Chapter 5

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Aizawa:(sigh) Problem Child... what happened this time? Why were you laying almost dead on the ground while two helpless children were crying for your sake? So care to explain what happened?


The two foxes looked at their savior with concern since he was on the ground unconscious while Suu was having a panic attack while the eraser hero put away the thugs.

Aizawa: Midoriya explain.

Izuku:(thoughts) Aizawa you might as well be upset Im not going to tell.

The young fox girl Suu looked at Izuku with concern since she's able to sense his emotions that he has resentment towards his teacher. Vince look at the sleep deprived Aizawa thinking he looks like a hobo when they're were on the streets trying to survive.

Aizawa:(Frustrated) Midoriya what's happening with you I been hearing that you been hostile to your classmates and got into an argument with Uraraka yesterday and now you almost died due to extreme risk if fatigue. I'm going to say this one last time what's.Going.on.

Izuku:(Stubborn) I got nothing to say to you....

Aizawa:(Shock/Angry) Excuse me?

Suu and Vince looked at Izuku seeing that he and his teacher were about to bump heads with one and other. Suu looked at them with worried look seeing Izuku's emotions spike up towards the almost angry Aizawa.

Izuku:(Loud) Did I stutter? I have nothing to say anything to you that's it!!

Aizawa:(Angry) Problem Child whatever reason your mood swift to be more respectful towards your Classmates and teachers understand?

Izuku:(angry) .......Fine.

With that Aizawa begin to leave the room of the hospital before he could get away farther he heard something from the room.

Izuku: You maybe my teacher Aizawa but you were NEVER my Hero...

Aizawa couldn't help to stop at those words towards him for a moment he felt pain before making it slide away as a tear for some reason fell of his eyes. Aizawa left the area to finish the paperwork for his prob-.... Student.

Inside the room Suu sees Izuku's emotions state went from angry to sadness she felt emotions like anger.... sadness....and.... Betrayal before but this was different than anything she has seen.

Suu:(Concern) You ok Papa?

Izuku:(Shock) W-what? D-did you called me "Papa"?

Suu:(Sadly) O-oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to I thought-

Izuku pat her head as she looked at him his emotions change to concern and worried to the children.

Izuku:(worried) Don't you have family a mom? A Dad?

Vince:(Sad) We don't have any parents... We been at an orphanage since I could remember with Suu then the orphanage was closed down due to hearing that children were being abuse there. After that we tried to find ourselves a home, but people told us to leave harshly.

Suu:(Crying/Shaking) We left that terrible place.... It was so cold a-and terrible......I don't want to go back... I don't want to go back.... I don't want to go back....

Izuku felt a rush of angry before changing into sadness seeing two young kids surviving out there on the streets isn't something that children shouldn't be at ever. Izuku thought of something that would probably change alot things into consideration he didn't want the children to go back to any orphanage the risk of them being hurt and sad for the rest of their lives.

Izuku:(calmly) Hey come here both of you. If you want I could adopt you two under my care I promise that you won't get cold or hungry ever again I swear it.

Vince and Suu stare at him in shock that he would adopt them and hearing that he would take them when no one else did it made them both hug him with tears of happiness during all this time trying to live they finally found someone who would take care of them.

After being released out of the hospital Izuku sign an adoption sheet that he can adopted the children into his care and left the hospital to introduce them to his mother.

Upon arriving there Inko opening the door seeing her son there she heard from his teacher he's alright and needed rest for the time being.

Inko: I-i-izuku!! What happened!? You alright!? You shouldn't be up!?

Izuku:(smile) Hey Mom I know I should be resting and all. But I want you to see my kids.

This made Inko stop for a moment before seeing the two fox kids. Suu looked very shy and Vince kinda silent then in her mind the gears where turning until she realized that she's a grandma now.

Inko:(Happy Tears) I have grandbabies now!!

Izuku, Vince and Suu looked at her amazed that how much tears she's spouting out of her eyes making the whole room flow. A few minutes later she calm herself down from crying too much.

Inko: Alright let me make something for these two adorable little one's.

Izuku: Thanks mom.

She made them Izuku's favorite dish as they ate Vince and Suu where happy that their eating something good instead of scraps they find. Suu eyes were brighten enjoying a delicious meal they ever tasted.

Inko: Izuku have you signed the adoption papers to be certified?

Izuku: Yeah I made sure to certified them as my own so they don't have to return to that awful place or anywhere else.

Inko: Don't you have school to worried about Izuku having children would take more responsibility you know?

Izuku looked at the kids seeing how happy and safe they are now instead of living on the cold streets of Japan.

Izuku: I know but they are now my responsibility and I'm willing to take care of them as my own children.

Inko:(thoughts) Look how much you grown Izuku I'm very proud of you.

They stay there for awhile before Izuku took his kids to U.A. since his mom has work to do. As they arrive to the dorms he sees everyone again since this morning. Uraraka looked at Izuku very hurt since yesterday she hadn't stopped crying from the declaration from Izuku impacted on her. Everyone noticed that he has kids with them and wondering about until the brave karminari decided to ask.

Karminari:(Hesitant) H-hey M-midoriya I wanted to ask about-

Izuku:(without hesitation) Yes karminari they're my kids.


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