Chapter 3

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Izuku woken up to a bright white void he looked left to right with to see nothing but an endless white until he heard a girls voice.

?: You Ok?

Izuku looked beside him a girl with a beautiful blonde hair as her green and blue eyes were looking into his soul with a warm smile on her face.

Izuku:(Unsure) Who are you?

Tsubomi:(sweetly) My name's Tsubomi. It's nice to see you again Izuku.

Izuku looked at her completely confused to why she knows his name. Slowly he looked closely at her it feels like he knew her but couldn't put his finger on it.

Tsubomi:(Sadly) Oh.... You probably don't remember then...

Izuku:(Confused) Remember what?

Tsubomi looked at him with a very sad smile before letting a small tear roll off her eyes.

Izuku:(worried) You ok? Tsubomi chan?

Tsubomi wipe her tears away before changing in her emotions.

Tsubomi: Y-yeah I'm fine don't worry.....Uh... I see that you tried using the quirk I assume?

Izuku remember that he tried to use his new quirk to reverse the broken merchandise and his room. Before he knew his head started hurting bad to make him feel dizzy as his nose started bleeding then he passed out mainly on the floor room.

Izuku:(Hesitant) Yeah I did kinda overused. I just got excited that I didn't take precautions about the drawback of the quirk.

Tsubomi smile at him for a moment before looking kinda serious as she put her hands on her hips.

Tsubomi: You should be very careful with the quirk Izuku it's very dangerous. It may possibly risk your life.... But if you start small I'm sure that you be able to master it in no time.

Izuku nods though wondering about something about her specifically who was she really? It's obvious she knows him then what's her story.

Izuku: May I ask you Tsubomi?

Tsubomi: hmm?

Izuku: How are you here? Inside this place?

Tsubomi looked at him for a moment before she glanced at the empty white void. She found it interesting for some reason she knew something that he doesn't know. She walked towards him before placing her hand on his heart.

Tsubomi: I'll tell you everything soon Izuku just meet me here in your memories as time knows no bounds...

Izuku: What do you mean?

Everything started to fade as she smile one last time before placing an unexpected kiss on his face before fully disappearing from his point of view.

Izuku: W-wait-

Everything went blank...

Izuku: Tsubomi!!

Izuku quickly grabbed his head as he still had the headache from earlier. He glanced around realizing that he's in recovery girls office on the bed.

Izuku: How did I?

Izuku looked outside the sun already setting in the distance he then got off the bed slowly as he got his balance together.

RG: Your okay Sonnie?

Izuku looked at the youthful heroine he doesn't remember her in the past when everyone betrayed him so she was the only exception... For now.

Izuku: Yeah what happened?

RG: Well Aizawa found you laying unconsciously in your own dorm room bleeding from your nose he quickly manage to get you here. You should be thankful.

Izuku:(Thoughts) Thankful to Aizawa? No.... There's no way I'm going too be thankful to that sleep deprived caterpillar of a teacher.

Izuku remember the words that Mr Aizawa said to him as he was place under arrest as he was dub the traitor of U.A.

Past Aizawa:(Harshly) Let's go you Villain...

Izuku:(thoughts) grrrr he maybe my teacher but he ain't my Hero....

Izuku stubbornly leaves RG room regardless her saying that he needs to rest and recover. Izuku wasn't going to let this hold him back he needed to grow and train his new power.

Izuku:(thoughts) Tsubomi suggest that I should start slowly before getting at the bigger things... Though what did she mean to meet her in my memories where "Time knows no bounds?"

Izuku was walking back to his dorm home where the rest of the non believers that turn him away. As he enters everyone sees him at the entry way before asking him a lot of questions which he found annoying.

Uraraka:(concern) Deku Kun your alright?

She tried reaching him but he took a big step away from her that made her stop herself as he looked very hostile like the day before when he called her something that she would ever hear from someone like him.

Uraraka:(Worried) What's wrong Deku kun?

Izuku:(Frustrated) How many times do I have to tell you to... STOP CALLING ME THAT!!!

Everyone was shook by how loud he yelled at her for calling him his usual nickname. Uraraka was starting to shake a little kinda getting scared with this hostile side of him that she has never seen before.

Iida:(Sternly) Midoriya!! You don't have to yell at her like that what's wrong with you!?

Mina: Yeah where is all this coming from!? You were all good the day before what happened!! Why are being so mean to everyone!!

Todoroki: Midoriya where here for you please tell us what's wrong?

Everyone began to ask him all sorts of questions and concerns to him minus bakugo as he was watching closely at Izuku seeing him looked like he's going to explode. When Izuku heard them about being concerned and worried about his sudden change he felt something that made his heart filled with rage.

Izuku:(Thoughts) Where the hell was this at before when I was falsely accused as a traitor!! Where was this concern when I was punch in the stomach by mirio!!! where was this at when I was taken by Aizawa to jail!!!! Where!!! WHERE!!! WHERE WAS ANY OF THIS!!!!!

To Izuku everything went on deaf ears he was starting to lose his calm cold demeanor as everyone was now "worried" for him.... slowly he started to laugh at a low tone while his tears started to flow off his face.

Izuku:(Sob) hehehehehehe.... HahahahahahahahahahahAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

Everyone stop their questions onslaught on him seeing him break down laughing while crying away his emotions. His eyes that look so dull than the usual brightness he usually had only to see a broken teen whose dam as burst.

Uraraka:(Worried) Deku Kun?

She tried reaching out for him again before she knew it he slapped her arm very hardly making her Yelp from the stinging pain he gave her. She looked at him with a very hurtful expression as everyone was shocked before anyone could say anything about it izuku beat them to the punch.


With his emotions now running rapid he stormed off to his dorm room slamming it very hard as everyone eyes were widen hurt from what he had said to them. However, the main one that was hurt the most was Uraraka she stood there with her eyes open tears leaving her making her breath short before collapsing to the ground heartbroken and sobbing as her friends gathering around her to comfort her as she wept.

Uraraka:(thoughts/crying) What have i done izuku?

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