"I'll get it," Carina offered, heading for the door.

Maya went into the kitchen, grabbing two plates, meeting Carina by the TV.

The both grabbed some pizza, Maya trying her absolute hardest not to wince as she picked up a slice of pizza, her arm and wrist both protesting the movement. Luckily, Carina was too busy picking a movie to notice.

They settled on something, making it through over half the movie before Carina asked to pause it for a bathroom break.

While she did that, Maya took the plates into the kitchen, setting them in the sink. She went to go grab some water, but the rug near the sink slipped, which it had been doing because the sticky padding underneath needed to be replaced, but neither of them had gotten around to it.

Normally, it wasn't a huge issue, but this time, as Maya threw her hands out to the counter to catch herself, she felt pain radiate through both her arms, her entire body breaking out in a cold sweat as her vision swam. She slid down to the floor, suddenly extremely nauseous as her vision stayed blurred.

"I was thinking we could..." Carina said, coming out of the bathroom, "What happened?"

Maya could barely hear Carina the first time she asked. Suddenly, the blonde gagged, Carina, somehow, getting a bowl under her mouth before she threw up. Carina was extremely worried and about to call 911 when Maya started to come back to herself.

"Bambina," Carina said gently, "What's wrong?"

"My arms," Maya said, teeth chattering a little.

"What happened to them?" Carina asked, terrified at the sight in front of her.

She always teased Maya for being pale, but her girlfriend was almost translucent at this point.

"I fell," Maya said, trying to breathe and not pass out, the pain in both her arms way worse than they had been.

"While I was in the bathroom?" Carina asked, confused.

"No," Maya said, "On my run."

"Can I see?" Carina asked, ignoring for the moment that her girlfriend had hurt herself hours ago and had not told her about it.

Maya nodded, trying to pull up her sleeves only to hiss in pain, her vision swimming again.

"Do you want me to help you take off your shirt?" Carina asked, knowing something was really wrong based on the tears that were rolling down her girlfriend's cheeks.

"I...I...I don't think I can," Maya said, voice shaking as her teeth chattered.

"Do I need to call 911?" Carina asked, worriedly.

"No," Maya said adamantly, "Just need to sit for a minute."

"Ok," Carina said, not sure that was the best plan, but hoping maybe Maya would be thinking straighter once some of the pain receded.

Carina kept a careful eye on her girlfriend, putting a comforting hand on her leg as Maya breathed through the pain. "

Ok," Maya said, "I'm ok. Let's get back to our movie."

"Bambina, the only place you are going is to the ER," Carina said, eyes wide, "You need to get your arms looked at."

"I just tripped and hit them weird," Maya shrugged, pain shooting through her as she did so.

"You cannot even more your shoulders up and down without being in pain," Carina said, "Either I can take you to the ER myself of I will call the station and tell them to come get you."

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