There were at least 12 chairs around the long table. A bouquet of flowers sat in the middle. My father, my mother, and my 4 brothers were sitting around the table turning to look at me as I entered.

   "You called me?" I asked as I walked over to the table slowly, leaning onto a chair as I looked at my father's face. He was an older man, but he didn't act or move like an older man, he had dark brown hair with some streaks of grey. My mother was sitting next to him, her long black hair pulled up in a fancy hair style and a long green silk night gown covered her body. My brothers were also sat at the table, my two older brothers had their arms crossed across their chest, my two younger ones were arm wrestling near the other end of the table.

   My younger brothers had the brown hair from my father, and me and my older brothers got the black hair from mom. But our eyes...our eyes are a different story. Mother has brown eyes, and so does my father. But I've got gray. My oldest brother has red-ish brown, my second oldest brother has brown almost black eyes, and my two younger brothers have pale almost purple eyes.

   We don't know how we got the exotic eye colors. But it's cool.

   My fathers face lifted in a smile, the corners of his eyes crinkling at the gesture. "Good of you to join us son." He spoke, then looked across the table.

   "Mason." My father almost demanded. My second oldest brother looked over at him. He was a year older than me, we're closer than just siblings.

   "You and Kingston need to pick your grades up." He spoke.

   Oh. That's what this is about.

   I roll my eyes as I crossed my arms across my bare chest. My mother shot me a deathly glare and I returned to a standing position with my hands at my sides.

   She's shot me in the arm before. I'm not risking it.

   Mason stood up from the table "What the fuck? I've been doing my work!" He protested and my father narrowed his eyes on Mason. Mason looked back at my father, his eyes burning with annoyance "Get a tutor." My father suggested.

   "Who is gonna tutor us? Everyone's scared of us." Mason reminded him. My father groaned and leaned back in his chair "There isn't a single smart person you can think of that isn't scared of you?" He asked, pinching the bridge of his nose in annoyance.


   I stood up a little straighter "Actually, yeah there is."

   All my family paused and looked over at me, shock written on all their faces. I chuckle slightly as I stuff my hands in my sweatpants pocket "Her names Amara. She knows everything I swear. She cussed out Asher in 5 different languages.", Mason started laughing as I did too.

Soon my oldest brother, Dawson, was laughing with us too. He was two years above me, but he was a big softy even though he had a rough looking exterior.

"I wanna meet this Amara." Dawson said with a smirk on his face "I wanna see if what you say in true little brother.", once again rolling my eyes at him.

Mason nodded "Yeah. Me too. Is she hot?" He asked, his words true to the look in his eyes.

My eyes burn with a glare and his eyes widen "Oh" he murmured and looked at my father who was also looking at me. He raised an eyebrow at me "I'll call the principal." He stated and immediately my head starts to shake left and right. They all look at me confused.

   "I don't know if she goes to our school" quickly answering their question before it fell out of their mouths.

   My father sighed, looking up at my mother who smiled sweetly at him "I'll call the school and ask. Okay dear?" She asked me and I nodded.

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