𝓗𝓲𝓼 𝓕𝓪𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻

40 2 14

Another long class of copying down notes, reading textbooks, and falling face flat on our faces was over. In fact, the day was over. Everyone was heading to mind their own business, and I could not wait to go have a ride on Bolt. 

Did I name my broom?


I grabbed my broom from the girl's dormitory and ran straight to the quidditch pitch. There was no one there, it was completely deserted. I would've expected a few Hufflepuffs preparing for the first match of the season, but it was empty. 

The sun was setting, creating a faint glow on the grass, and long shadows of the goal posts. Quidditch was entirely the best part of Hogwarts, it was relaxing yet stressful, hard yet so easy, and being so competitive for an entire game was so unrestricted. 

I bolted into the sky, feeling the cold, autumn breeze hit my face, stinging in my eyes. 

I could see almost the entire forest from here, the black lake glowing due to the dusk light, the immaculate castle looking even bigger. It was a breathtaking view, the one that I've never truly been able to appreciate, so I just lingered there, in the air, admiring something that I've been missing for the last 6 years. 

"It's nice, isn't it?" A familiar voice spoke near my ear, as his broom aligned parallel, right beside me. 

"Piss off, Malfoy," I said, rolling my eyes, hoping the blonde leaves me alone. 

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today," he said, with an unamused chuckle. 

I looked in his direction, and he was staring at the lake before us, as I admired his facial features. His grey eyes were glowing in the sun, making them look full of life, yet empty at the same time. His jaw was sharp, and locked, and his neck long, making his Adam's apple prominent, craning slightly to see the lake better. 

I didn't know for how long I was staring until his eyes met mine. "What are you looking at?" His voice was softer than usual, something I hadn't heard before. His face held a slight smirk, not the one I see often, but a little different, less cocky this time. 

"The lake, you dimwit, what else?" I brought the tone back, trying to get these unrealistic thoughts out of my head. 

His expression changed again, hardening at such a small insult. "Why look at the lake, when I'm here, right beside you?" 

"You're infuriating," rolling my eyes, I went back down the pitch, followed by his cocky grin. I started walking back, his long, and relaxed footsteps not far behind.

"Where are you going?" Malfoy asked, his voice soft, yet his face hard. 

"Back to the castle, I am not planning to get caught in the first month of school." 

"Well you would know quite a lot of getting caught," he said, with a chuckle. 

"Actually, I don't. But you can go ask your father, not sure when you'll see him again though," I said, turning around and crossing my arms.

"You don't know shit, Potter," his eyes were now angry, and humiliated.

"I know enough." I started walking back to the castle, leaving Malfoy behind. He clearly was not amused by my words, yet he continued to follow.

He caught up with me and grabbed my arm, not hard, but definitely not gentle.

"You arse, that hurts!" I said, trying to pry it away.

"I'm barely even touching you," he mocks, not loosening the grip.

"What is your problem, Malfoy?"

"My problem? What's your problem? I'm trying to be kind to you, and you decide to insult my father!"

"Kind to me? You couldn't have done that 6 years ago? Why now?"

"Because I thought it would be appropriate for us to try and be friends," he said, attempting a shy look, not succeeding, and there is no way he thinks I'm going to fall for that. I may be an ass, but I'm not stupid. 

"Do you really want to be friends, or do you want to get close to me so you can figure out how to save daddy?" I sprung my arm free, trying to walk away but he grabbed it again, this time harder, with me much closer to him, our bodies touching and our faces inches away. I could feel his hot breath on my face, and if this was anyone else, I would've maybe considered to get closer. But it wasn't.

"I cannot let you talk about my father like that."

"Why? What will your daddy do? Oh no! Is he going to hurt you? Or me?" An exaggerating gasp leaves my lips as I begin to laugh. "He can't do shit."

And before I knew it, I was pushed to the ground.

"My father can do a lot of things, he's a great man!" He yelled, standing over me. 

"Oh," I laughed, doubling over on the ground. "He's a... wait, what did you say again? Right, 'great man,' you're killing me here, Malfoy." I uncontrollably laugh as he glares down at me. 

He grabs my left forearm, pushing on the fresh cuts. I hold back a wince as he yanks me up, with me standing infront of him, close to him. Chest to chest, eye to eye, nose to... well his neck. Malfoy was unbelievably tall, and undeniably jacked. 

"Do not make me do something we both will regret," his glare intensified, and for moment, I actually felt chills go up my spine. Until I remembered who I was dealing with, Malfoy. If I was correct, and he had not changed at all over the summer, than he was still the whiney kid with frustratingly nice hair. 

"What can you do?" I smirked, walking closer to him, which I thought was impossible. His knee grazed my leg, and his free hand had nowhere to go anymore. I could feel him stiffen, and either I was making him extremely uncomfortable, or extremely nervous.

"I can do a lot of things, but if you don't stop now, I'm afraid they won't be much of your liking."

"Is that a threat?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. His grip on my hand was still tight, and the cuts were not helping. 

"Take it as whatever you like, love. But I do not want to hear another thing about my father again," he drops my hand, and moves back. Even though I was the one initiating the distance between us, I finally felt like I could breath. 

With his broom still in hand, he turned on his heal, and left. 

Well, well, didn't know the crying ferret had the ability to threaten someone, if that was even a threat. 

𝕽𝖊𝖌𝖗𝖊𝖙𝖙𝖆𝖇𝖑𝖞 𝕬𝖙𝖙𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖊𝖉 - 𝕯.𝕸.Where stories live. Discover now