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???: "Looks like everything is okay with you."

YN: "So am I good to go doctor?"

Doctor: "100% YN, but I need to be completely honest with you."

YN: "Oh boy, here we go."

Doctor: "You actually didn't need a whole month of recovery."

YN: "What? So I was good since when?"

Doctor: "When you got out of here all you needed was basically a week."

YN: "So why give me a month?"

Doctor: "Someone asked for it."

YN: "And this Someone is?"

Doctor: "That I can't say, what I CAN say is that this person cares a lot about you."

YN: "So I could've been playing basketball all of this time? I need to talk to coach."

I got up from the seat and asked the doctor one more thing...

YN: "So I don't need to comeback right?"

Doctor: "No...unless you get hurt again."

YN: "Got it."

I got out of the room and immediately called coach...

Coach: "Hello?"

YN: "Sup Coach."

Coach: "Oh YN, wow are you?"

YN: "Good, but I'll be better when I get back on the team."

Coach: "You're still on treatment remember."

YN: "Well not anymore."

Coach: "Really? That's amazing."

YN: "Sooooo...when I'm coming back?"

Coach: "You know the drill, get to the training center tomorrow at the same time you used to and we will see if you still got it."

YN: "Say less Coach, see y'all tomorrow."

Coach: "See ya."

If I still got it? Of course I do, I still got something to accomplish...


8:57 AM

Coach: "That's enough for today fellas."

YN: "Man it feels good to be back."

Coach: "It's good that you're back, and better I might add."

YN: "Thanks Coach, so that means...."

Coach: "You will play again next week."


YN: "That's definitely the best news I received in a while."

Coach: "Ok everybody, you're all dismissed."

We all got to the lockers to get our stuff and go home, I felt a hand tap my shoulder, I look back and...

LeBron: "I saw what happened kid...I'm sorry."

YN: "Thanks man, that was really tough to handle."

LeBron: "Don't worry, I feel like you two are destined to be together, just give it some time."

YN: "Will do."

I got my stuff and went home, the house was pure silence, which is weird because Jess would've been awake by now, speaking of Jess, she never told me why Melissa isn't coming here anymore.
Did they have a fight? Well there's only one way to find out.

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