Say You Do (thumbekil)

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as if he could hear her thoughts, the shadowed face turned towards her and her heart skipped a beat. it IS him. what the hell. they set her up on a blind date with WANG HEDI?!?!

(two weeks prior)

''you want me to what?!''

shen yue whips her head up from the script she's been reading and was immediately reprimanded by the stylist currently working on her hair, ''please stay still, miss yue.''

in the mirror, her good friend, wu yuheng was grinning and nodding in playfully, ''yes, miss yueyue. please stay calm and just say yes.''

she made a face and stared yuheng down through the mirror, ''NO. i wont do it. you're crazy. why would i go on a date with your friend?!''

''miss yue, please don't scrunch up your face too much. you're gonna crack the base make up. and we'd have to go back and do some touch ups," came another remark from her lovely stylist.

yuheng's reflection was grinning even wider now and pointing in mock reprimand while mouthing, ''stay still!''

which of course made shen yue want to scrunch up and make a face at him even more. so instead, she settled into making a crude gesture with her fingers and whip it behind her head at the person she normally adores but was currently annoying her way too much.

yuheng gasped in exaggerated theatrics as he placed his hands on his chest ,'' oh yueyue, thats so unbecoming of such a nice girl like you!'' and before she could retort back, he threw his hands up in the air as if in despair and added,'' come on, yue. just say yes. you owe me. just go on this one date and absolve me of my misery.''

shen yue was halfway into knitting her eyebrows into a frown when she noticed her stylist watching and quickly schooled her face into a neutral expression. glaring at her friend, still through the mirror, she asked, '' OWE you? me? for what? and why should i absolve you of your misery when you miserable doesn't bother me one bit." she added a nonchalant shrug for effect.

yuheng grimaced. ''ouch! how mean! you dont mean that, yueyue. you are kind and lovely and sweet and could never stand seeing anyone miserable let alone your best friend, me.''

she scoffed, ''cut the theatrics, yuheng. and answer the question, what do you mean by i owe you!''

yuheng simply stared at her with eyes all lit up in glee and a devilish smile. shen yue had a bad feeling about that. yuheng only look like that when he had an ace up his sleeve and was about to get his way completely.

''you really don't remember? okay, i'll refresh your memory. remember that time a fu er dai heir was pursuing you? he would not take no for an answer and in desperation, you lied to him that you already had a boyfriend but he still wouldn't back down so in the end I, the benevolent wu yuheng had to pretend to be said boyfriend for a while? got us into entertainment headlines a couple times too. and almost got me kicked out of my agency. remember that, my precious yueyue? and remember when you begged me to do it and said you'd do ANYTHING if i would just help you out that one time? ''

at the long explanation, yue's jaw slackened into a silent ''ooooh'' and understanding dawned on her face. she remembered now. and she did say all those things. if she hadn't remembered about the stylist watching her like a hawk, her face would have crumpled into a defeated cringe that very moment.

''of course i would have helped you out without any promise of a favour because i'm a kind and caring friend, myself. but you offered, i wasn't gonna say no, now was i? and now the time has come to collect!'' he sweeped a hand into clenched fist in front of his face triumphantly.

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