67AT (Hot Chocolate)

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Credit to the artist and The Polar Express! (Google says dotpapercrowndot on DeviantArt)

Sonzuku POV

I was out one night, contemplating telling Mom I knew Dad left because of me. Because I was a mistake. Of course, now I know that I am worth more than my father will ever have the right to know, but it is only because I decided to sit outside. I was playing around with a smaller version of the Willy Wonka ticket in my hand. It was gold, of course.

I heard a loud noise, startling my train of thought. I saw a train coming and happy people. The only thing I could do was get on.

I was greeted by a very friendly girl who had rosy cheeks and brown hair. The conductor came by and stamped our tickets, muttering about how the other cart was better. I did not have the heart to tell the man I probably did not have the right tickets.

"Hey! Nice to meet you! I am Kirishima! We do not get many new people around here," a boy with spiky red hair said.

"Hello," I muttered, playing with my hands.

"Do not overwhelm the new child, please," commanded an almost robotic boy. I swear for a second I saw blue hair.

"Iida. I believe you are achieving the opposite effect. Hello. My name is Momo. It is very nice to meet you." The black-haired girl who spoke to me held out her hand. It took me a second, but I took it. "We need to bring you to the actual conductor. He will know why you are here."

I was taken to see a scruffy-looking black-haired male that was much taller than me. (And much to his amusement, still is.)


"Midoriya Izuku," I squeak out. He seems almost concerned after hearing my name.

"Huh. Fate must have plans with you. You were never on the list. Oh, well. Welcome aboard. It is too much work to figure out why you are here. My name is Aizawa Shota, please call me Aizawa. If you need help, please come to see anyone but me. I will take you if I want your company and you are up for it." And those were the words that somehow began our relationship that slowly transformed into father-and-son.

(Also, I found out Santa is a stoat? Rat hybrid? No one knows. Gave me a bell for contacting Aizawa, though, so that was very nice of him.)

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