18G (Future)

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Credit to the artist!

Sonzuku POV

I look back on my previous self with a smile. Of course, I wasn't perfect. I am glad I don't have to be now as well. Old me would be happy to hear that I am working with heroes and the government together to solve cases and help people. I became a licensed hero as soon as my identity was found out by everyone except my classmates and teachers that day.

I meet up with Eri at the park, as we decided earlier. I am to meet all of her new classmates. Kota is going to be there as well. I believe it will be fun.

I am the first one to get there, so I find a bench nearby our meeting spot to sit down at. I hope this goes better than I am expecting it to. Fun isn't always a good thing. Luckily, Eri and Kota have grown into fine teenagers. Much better than I think I ever was/am. I can believe their class will be better than mine, right?

They arrive not too much later. Since everyone arrives at the same time, I can assume they had to wait on someone or a select few. The kids all eagerly introduce themselves. I can only imagine what is being said about me now. One kid straight up backed away from me when I looked at them. I should probably investigate that, but I would just like to see the functions now.

To my delight, this class is very much fun. Within an hour of being introduced to them, one of them got taken. From the group. In front of everybody. I roll my eyes. I feel like I am the only one with a reasonable excuse for not seeing that right away, but even then it is still my fault because I have to be the adult here. I explain to the nearly in-tears kids, excluding a few such as Eri, Kota, and Bakugou's cousin's daughter, that their classmate will be fine. Imagine my shock when I figure out it is the same kid that backed away from me. Quickly, my brain pieces things together. Afraid. Bad reputation. Where? Home. Who? LOV, previous classmates, previous business classmates... There are a million possibilities. It is a good thing I carry my laptop everywhere. I pull out my laptop and get to typing.

I find enough footage to figure out that they left forcefully. I have to pause and rewind a video a few times until I finally see Shigaraki's face peeking out of a hood. How fun, I am being baited.

I sigh and decide I'll bring back their villainous classmate anyways. It isn't like they have fully turned yet. I may as well try.

I call a bunch of heroes, including Kacchan, Roki, and Shin, to watch the class while I go. I refuse to tell them why, though, knowing they wouldn't want me to go. They wouldn't even let me leave the perimeter. I jump from roof to roof. It is a little painful and energy-draining, but it is also harder for anyone to trace to my location when they inevitably figure out I am not going into a safe situation. I really should get around to telling them the location of the LOV's base, but they haven't done anything truly threatening in years. Besides now, of course. I shake my head and pinch myself. I've arrived.

In and out. I just need proof that the kid is okay. That is it. So why do I feel so bad for taking their bait and going into their, rather obvious, trap?

"Izuku Midoriya." I stare at the pale blue-haired male. He grins at me. I mess with the rope. He steps closer. "I know you know this is bait. I need you here to prove to this one," the classmate walks out from behind him, "that you are evil and so is everything you stand for. You need to be here to prove the opposite. I do have to say, I am quite a big fan. It is too bad you work with the heroes instead of us. It would be so much better. Less negative judgement for something you do not deserve." I roll my eyes.

"For what, being judged negatively for things I did do? No thank you. Besides, I would rather no one look up to me when I am a villain actively doing bad things just because it is supposedly a better way than leading the tragic life I already was. Seriously, what is it with people and tragic backstories? I have one and I don't go around flaunting it." He almost seems surprised by my words. He knows my intentions now. I have no intention of making this kid good. If they want to choose to be a villain, I am not stopping them. That is not my job. My job is to make sure people are safe. The only reason I would need to stop them is because they would eventually hurt someone. Shigaraki sighs.

"Fine." He hands me a camera. I grab it with my miraculously untied hands. I thank him. He glares. I take a picture of the kid. They look fine. Only a little regretful. I'm just saying, I would rather this kid make a real decision here and now before turning into a traitor later on. Me influencing that won't be very beneficial if they just run back to their villain friends. It benefits all parties involved. The kid doesn't seem to appreciate that I do not care about their choice. They also don't like how easily this worked out for me. Not my issue.

"Here are some gloves. They work so you have to attach them. The fingers on one are three and two on the other. You attach them after you put them on. They'll look nice with your whole villain thing. I have four pieces total, so two pieces for each hand." I hand over the gloves I've carried on me for months to Shigaraki and wave goodbye. "Don't worry kid, if you choose to come back, for whatever reason, I won't tell them of this. I could care less. I just need to prove you are alright so the heroes can either come and save you or you can reveal yourself as a villain. Have fun!" With those final words, I leave. What a lovely day. Certainly the most fun I've had in a while. Nothing new, though. I would appreciate it if that kid would come back, but my job is to only make sure they are okay. I do not believe the LOV will harm anything other than their mental state.

Sonzuku and Dadzawa OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now