Chapter fourteen✔️

Começar do início

"Oh baby. This is going to be great." Dominic says before lowering his head to my ear to whisper, "It would be a shame to have to do something to fix that mouth of yours."

I look down and shut my mouth. Not wanting to talk anymore. My parents run off to go talk with other people, leaving me and my ex alone.

"You're fucking psycho." I growl, looking up at his face with a hard glare. He just laughs and walks me over to the dance floor.

At Last by Etta James starts playing and I'm being pulled into his hard chest. He wraps one arm around my waist while the other one is place at nape of my neck. Giving me no escape.

"We were happy once. We can be happy again." Dominic says looking down at me. I scoff and try to move but his nails dig into my neck, stopping me.

"That was until you pumped drugs into me, cheated on me multiple times, and then slapped me when I refused to get back together with you."

He just rolls his eyes and continues to sway. "Don't be dramatic, you know I only love you."

"You have a funny way of showing it." I say sarcastically.

He grips my hair and pulls my head back so I can look at him.

"You better show some fucking respect to me." He bites out with a snarl. "I am not letting you go."

"I'm already gone, Dom." I spit back. He's about to say something back but the song comes to a close and people start clapping walking away from the dance floor. I push him away, taking a few steps back.

"I'm going to go to the bathroom." I say waking past him to where the bathrooms are.

As I'm walking, I see the back of someone's head that I recognize. I want to smile but right now I want to be alone so I continue walking. But then I hear my name.


I sigh and put on a fake smile before turning around.

"Bella! Hi." I say walking up to her to give her a hug. She's wearing a beautiful royal blue gown that really brings out her bright eyes. Her hair is curled at the bottom and I notice some highlight on her shoulders and collarbone, really bringing out her dark complexion.

"What are you doing here?" She asks me with a smile on her face.

"I'm here for my dad. This gallery is for his company." Her eyes widen and so does her smile.

"No way! This is for my dads company too!" I want to be excited but I really need to go to the bathroom. Not to pee but to do something else.

"That's amazing! Look it'll catch up with you later I need to use the bathroom real quick." I say before turning back around and heading towards the hall where the bathrooms are.

Once I'm inside, I walk up to the counter and pull out the small bag that I snag from Dominic's suit pocket. I look down at it for a moment, wondering if I should take more. I'm already high as shit but I want to be high to the point where I can't feel anything.

Fuck it.

I open the bag and dribble some of the substance onto the counter. I open my purse and pull out a credit card and dollar pill. I start making two lines with the card and once they're straight, I roll up the bill and snort the powder.

Once it's inhaled, it's an immediate effect. My head starts to pound but then clears just as quickly and my vision becomes blurry to the point where I see shapes and colors. I can feel every single goosebump on my body and the lights above the mirror hits my skin like it's fire. My legs go numb and my eyes become droopy. Fuck I missed this.

And before I can react, I fall to the floor. I'm still conscious. Everything is so bright and calm. My insides are yelling at me to stop but my mind is screaming in pleasure. A smile forms on my face even though I can't feel my features. I lift my hand to my face when I feel something wet under my nose and I look to see that it's blood.

"Well hello there." I giggle and close my eyes.

I hear the bathroom door open but I don't care to open my eyes to see who just walked in. There's a ringing in my ears and then my mind goes blank. The last thing I hear is someone screaming my name before everything goes dark.


Yours - COMPLETEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora