Shigaraki Tomura 3

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A/N: Hi guys it's been a while since I wrote for Tomura but those traitor spoilers got me in a writing mood, so I hope you enjoy this small collection of videos from the LOV's Tik Tok account. Few things to note, this chapter takes place in the same universe as chapters 5 and 12. Some of these Tik Toks are based on actual vines, things I found on Tumblr and my own original ideas. The set up for these videos are as followed: Title [Breif description of what's happening in the video] followed by dialogue by the family in italic. In Twice's case, his second voice is in bold. In my mind whenever Izumi is on screen she is wearing a mask as her identity is the most protected in the league, think DC's Red Hood mask in terms of style and then in all colours under the sun because Izumi likes to coordinate her masks with her outfits. Because her identity is protected her name is also never said out loud by anyone, only her villain name, Mastermind.

Also one more IMPORTANT thing, ? ? ? is this stories traitor, who is different from canon and will feature in a later chapter, would have put the three ? next to each other without a space but 2 would just get deleted so this is my only option.

Until next time guys, PLUS ULTRA.

LOV Introductions

[The Entire League sits awkwardly in a nondescript sitting room while Toga skips around and shoves the camera into the face of whoever is currently talking.]

Toga: Hi everyone! We're the League of Villains, and today, seeing as this is our very first Tik Tok I thought we'd go around the group and ask everyone what their worst crime is. Let's go!

Tomura: Murder.

Dabi: Murder.

Kurogiri: Murder.

Izumi: I have never done anything illegal in my life, ever.

Toga: We know this, and we love you Mind.

I'm A Barbie Girl

[Izumi and Toga sit at one of the booths in the bar playing with a set of Barbie and Ken dolls.]

Izumi, in a high-pitched voice: Hey Ken! I was thinking about going back to school and starting a career!

Toga, in a deep voice: Nonsense barbie, you're staying home and having my kids.

Dabi: What the fuck are you two doing?

Toga: Playing systemic oppression.

Compress 1, Spinner 0

[Mr Compress sits down across from Spinner, holding a cup of warm tea in his hands.]

Mr Compress: I made tea.

Spinner: I don't want tea.

Mr Compress: I didn't make tea for you. This is my tea.

Spinner: The why are you telling me?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2021 ⏰

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