A new addition

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The morning after Goten moved in with Goku and Kefla, Goku woke up to retching and gargling noises in the bathroom.

Goku: Kef! Baby are you okay in here?

Goku asked scared as he walked in the bathroom.

Kefla: Yeah I'm fine I'm just-*REEETCH GURRRRRGLE*! Ohhhh...

Goku: C'mon we gotta get you to a hospital!

Goten: What's wrong with mom dad?

Goten said as he was worried for his new mother.

Goku: I don't know son, but we gotta hurry up and get her help! Go and get dressed fast!

Goten: Okay!

Goten and Goku flew Kefla to the hospital, but Goku carried her in his arms.

Kefla: Honey, I'm fine now, I was just feeling a little nauseous is all.

Goku: Still, it's not normal to just wake up in the morning throwing up.

The 3 of them made it to the Walk in.

Goku: Hi, can we see somebody quick for my wife. I don't think she's okay.

Nurse: Sure I'll go get someone, just sign in write here for me.

Goku signed his and Kefla's name in a rush.

Nurse: Now just sit here, and wait to be called. He shouldn't take too long.

Goku: Okay thank you.

They 3 of them sat down next to each other. While Goten was still worried for his mother with his hands rubbing his eyes.

Kefla: Goten, sweetie it's okay, I'm not really too sick or anything okay. I don't want you worrying about me too much or you'll stress yourself out alright?

Kefla said as she pet Goten's head, comforting him.

Goten: Okay mommy.

Goku was thinking that it could be possible that he and Kefla made a child from all the unprotected sex they had.

Goku: Oh my gosh...

Goku muttered to himself quietly.

Doctor: Kefla!

The doctor said walking through the door.

Goku: C'mon. Let's go.

They were in there for awhile and the doctor ran a few tests and asked some questions. But then came back in his office with huge news!

Doctor: Well you 3 are lucky in fact, you're gonna have a new addition in the family!

Goku and Goten: HUH?!?!

Kefla: Wait doc, are you saying...?

Doctor: Yes, you are pregnant!

Kefla: OH MY GOSH!!!



Doctor: Congratulations you 3!

Goku: Thank you so much doc!

The 3 of them left the hospital in excitement!

Kefla: I'm so happy! I get to have a child with you Goku!

Goten: And I'm gonna be the best big brother there is!

Goku: I'm so glad you're as happy as I am you 2!

Kefla: I can't wait til the others hear about this!

3 months had passed and that's when Kefla had a baby shower with Goku and his friends.

Goku X Kefla love story 💖 (Lemon)Where stories live. Discover now