Chapter 49 The Sea Monster's Heart 10

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" it him, this time...Bet?" a lady waving a feather fan and wearing a gorgeous huge skirt asked softly, and glanced at him with her makeup eyes.

This is the sound that broke the short silence, and the nobles suddenly became noisy again, laughing and talking, and the words revealed madness.

"Ah, this beauty is qualified!"

"Hahahaha, throw him and that slave down!"

"It's so beautiful, really a beauty..."

Su Guang at the center of the discussion: Although I know this is a game effect, But I'm really embarrassed to praise me in front of my face.

"Su Guang?" The hung Hong Chen also found Su Guang who was standing at the top of the stairs as everyone was talking about. There was a trace of surprise across his always indifferent and impatient face. This group of noble NPCs just said that it might still be nothing. Nothing.

But seeing the dress of Su Guang's women's dress, he suddenly understood the behavior of this group of nobles.

Su Guang, who was dressed up as a beautiful girl, was too much like an ignorant...sacrifice.

Hong Chen suddenly figured out the plot!

He and Su Guang met their eyes, just about to open their mouths to say something, when they were suddenly put down on the rope, and the sudden drop made him stop talking, and the rope tied to his wrists made his hands feel aching pain.

"Open!" A shout sounded.

Only then did Hong Chen realize that he was not under the floor... a huge cylindrical glass fish tank slowly rose up, and he was hanging above the giant fish tank at a sudden slower speed.

Hongchen: rely on it! Fortunately, I didn't open the live broadcast room to play secretly... My image...

Su Guang saw the big fish tank popping up suddenly, but hadn't reacted to this magical direction, suddenly two or three waiter NPCs came up and pressed him to press down. Walk him towards the fish tank.

"Ah!" An NPC who recruited him suddenly screamed, apparently shocked by the current on Su Guang's body.

Su Guang... Su Guang stood behind this group of noble NPCs who were standing and talking around the fish tank.

These waiters looked at him interestingly, followed him and watched his movements, and did not dare to do anything else.

No nobles noticed this episode, because they were all discussing Hongchen.

Su Guang heard the men and women in front of him discussing the word "Bate"... couldn't help but get closer and listen clearly.

"This slave is not as good as the little beauty who just came in~" A noble lady commented on Hong Chen.

"The one just saw it as'Bate'... Let's see if this slave can make the monster arouse appetite..." The other touched her shoulder, making her feel safe.

"Why didn't you release'Bett' first?" an aristocratic girl couldn't wait to ask, her greedy eyes looking at the dark sea.

"'Bate' is the last delicacy, huh." The lady next door kindly replied to her, but her eyes were contemptuous of her never seen the world.

"Yes, let's have a side dish first, the dinner is at the back, ha ha ha ha~" The young girl found her eyes blaring on her jewelry, chuckled twice, and rolled her eyes to the other side.

Su Guang: It can be pinched...

Close to the subject, although they seem to be saying that sea monsters eat Hongchen, Su Guang always feels that they are talking weirdly, as if they are talking about another thing through this matter.

What information was ignored by him?

When I wanted to ask this group of women NPCs, Su Guang found that he couldn't move!

"Wow--" Su Guang was shocked to discover that a mermaid suddenly jumped out of this "giant fish tank", it was a sea monster!

The sea monster flicked its red fluorescent gray-blue fish tail, jumped out of the water, with its mouth widened, and among the exposed sharp teeth drilled a four-petal huge fleshy red mucous membrane that was open for hunting, and it slammed into it. Hong Chen's bare feet!

Su Guang was startled and wanted to step forward, but found that he was trapped in a small world of this square meter... it was the plot!

This plot is a personal plot triggered by Hongchen, and he can only live it by himself!

Hong Chen was struggling with his kick, and slammed open the scarlet mucosal cavity biting on his ankle, his sharp fangs scratched deep blood marks on his ankle.

The sea monster was kicked into the sea, and the chamber was retracted and fell into the water with him, causing another splash of water.

Hong Chen was panting violently, obviously frightened by the sudden situation. The blood stains on his feet were very painful, and strands of red and black blood fell into the water.

The water above this "fish tank" was stained red.

Su Guang: Ah, ah, ah, this horror game actually meets blood! ! !

And the siren didn't dive, his white fangs were bright in the water, and his hideous face was frightening.

This monster was swimming quickly in the dark blue and green sea water from time to time, and the air blisters were disturbed. The tail of the mermaid monster in the sea slapped the water vigorously, and the erratic Ayura flashed red and dangerous. The light, as if to accumulate energy to do it again.

At this time, a shout was accompanied by the chaotic stepping on the stairs.

"Hongchen!" It's catkins!

Su Guang heard this voice very well.

However, the anxiety and care in this tone really made him unpredictable. He was clearly at a loss when he first arrived...

Then a group of players ran up the stairs and looked around to see if there were any exits. They came to look for the deck.

"Grab them!" a noble woman NPC screamed.

"Grab this group of slaves! Waste!" an aristocratic master yelled at the dull waiter with a stinking face.

"Ahhhhh! The slave is rebelling!" Huarong, the noble girl just now, grabbed the skirt of the person next to her with shame, and was violently pulled apart again.

"Don't touch me, you low-level nobleman!"

Then the players were tied up by dozens of waiters and rushed to a warehouse cursingly.

"It's a real dog...I just came up!"

"TMD garbage game!"


Su Guang felt that he was able to move suddenly, and looked at Hongchen again, and he had already been put down.

His body was full of sea water splashed by the sea monster and some strange mucus, coupled with his popular face, a picture of a handsome guy coming out of a bath was laid out on the ground like this.


Suguang Live Studio.

"Suguang is'Bett'?"

"What is this, ah, subconsciously told me that it should be an English word, but I don't understand QAQ at the level of an English elementary school student!"

"I found it, it was'bait' '! Fishing bait!-Suguang is fishing bait!" 

"Ahhhhh, I know, Suguang is used to fish sea monsters!"

"It seems that sea ​​monsters also like beauty...magic plots."

"Hahahaha The word fishing is double meaning! One is fishing tricks, and the other is fishing hahahahahaha... emm does not seem to be bad?"

"No wonder the light is beautifully dressed, it is really unpredictable!"

"Be cautious in front of you !" , Is fishing for the "King of the Shark". [You know ←v←.jpg]"

"Souga! But why fishing for sea ​​monsters ? Is the fun of this group of nobles so unpretentious and boring?"

"... Maybe it's looking for excitement? The plot is too strange..."

"Woo, my home Chenchen!! Chen! Chen's feet were eaten!! QAQ"

"Chenchen's perspective is too cruel. QAQ mother feels distressed!"

"If it wasn't for the help of Catkins, why would you come here!"

"Why didn't Chenchen open a live broadcast room? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~ hello hello, what's the matter, he was not arrested?"

"The NPC who was attracted to women originally, but my husband wanted to help her get in, just I was arrested voluntarily oh oh oh..."

"My husband is so handsome ah ah ah ah ah!!!" 

"Suguang fans, please think about why there is no wife fan... / lost in thought"

"Why didn't Hongchen change Clothes...?"

"emmm... calm, it seems that changing clothes is an exclusive skill of Suguang. [Guangguang Laofen sighs.jpg]"

"I'm sour. [A player who died several times without clothes and changed krypton gold super VIP player every day Arrogantly walked past.jpg]"



Disturbed by the player slaves, these noble NPCs lowered the big tank and sealed it on the floor.

"It's a terrible dinner." An aristocratic female NPC holding a feather fan waved, and the waiter drove Hong Chen and Su Guang to the player's warehouse.

The warehouse is blocked by erected railings, and players can hear and see the actions of all noble NPCs.

"Sorry, Livia... well, everyone calm down. The unpleasant incident such as the slave riot happened. As the captain, I apologize deeply. Then everyone will enjoy an unparalleled delicious dinner tonight—— 

— Heart of the Sea."

"Come to soothe everyone's mood."

With the voice of a middle-aged nobleman standing in front of the long table with exquisite clothing and bloated stature, a string of men in chef costumes filed in, and the nobles teased The gorgeous clothes were sitting on a long table, waiting for the wonderful dinner that was originally planned to be eaten tomorrow morning.

"Captain Toss really know how to be a man~" Livia pursed her red lips and gave the captain a kiss in the air, then she covered her mouth and laughed.

Su Guang's heart jumped when he heard "Heart of the Sea", and he thought of what he saw in the corridor on the first floor of the cell... Air-dried bacon... With his hands clinging to the wooden pole, he stared at the last chef and walked to Captain Tos's seat, and put a large plate with a silver lid in front of him.

The chefs stepped back, and Captain Tos slowly put himself on a collar and placket, and the small eyes on his fat face shot out evil spirits.

Su Guang is really scratching his heart, why didn't he lift the lid! !

What's in it!


"Grumbling—" The sound of the dining wheel sounded.

After the darkness in front of him , Su Guang opened his eyes blankly, and was surprised to find that he was sitting on the side of this long table... and in front of him, there was a plate that was exactly the same as those around him.

"Why don't you open it?" The greasy voice rang in his ears.

Su Guang was startled, and suddenly looked in the direction of the sound, only to find that the person who made the sound was sitting at the far end of the long table, but the sound was so clear and frightening.

It was Captain Toss, who was telling him to lift the lid with a smile at the moment. The full face was matched with the skin and the smiling flesh made him feel very uncomfortable, and his heart was even more horrified.

Su Guang tremblingly put his hand on the button of the lid, watching the lid reflect his deformed face on the metal.

What's inside...what is it?

The author has something to say

Su Guang: I lift this lid or not...

①plate noun, plate. Xx is installed in the plate~

②appease verb, appease.

Appease the heart: appease the public

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