Chapter 1: Welcome To The Team! I Choose You!

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This chapter is pretty short dammit.

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH" A 10 year old suddenly slammed opened the door and ran outside. "N/N! Wait up! You forgot your bag!" "Mom dont worry! I'll be back after getting my starter pokémon!"
Last night
"I'm soo excited to get my starter pokémon! I wonder who will be perfect for me to pick...there is the fire stater charmander....and the water starter squirtle, then grass type, bulbasaur. If I pick bulbasaur, no one would be able to stop me from winning the first two gyms! Or wait what if I decide to become something else while traveling and....UGHHHH" You groaned as u lied down in the floor watching your ceiling until you heard a knock on the...window..?
"Hey Y/N...." Your next neighbouring brother said...he was 6 years old and loved playing with you every weekend.

"Come in" You said opening the window even more so he could get in. "Is everything alright?"
"Yeah, it was really late and everyone was asleep and I saw your lights on so i thought to check up"
"Oh, yea, everything is alright, I just....its just that, I'm picking up my very first pokémon in the morning and leaving, so i couldn't sleep hehe"
"If you stay up late, then you would wake up late as well and probably won't get your starter!"
"Yea your right, I should probably sleep, just give me a few minutes, I'm almost done packing my bags"
"Alright alright..." Arlo said leaving with a sad face
"Oi wait...os everything alright? You kinda seem uhh....sad"
"O-oh, it's nothing"
"No please tell me, I know something is up!"
"It's just that...I would really miss you, I really don't have anyone to play with other than you and I won't be able to tell my secrets to anyone, your the only one who keeps them and after talking to you, it makes me feel better" He said looking down at the ground
"I-I I'm really sorry Lil bro...but dont worry, I would make sure to call you often, you can tell me all about your day and like anything you can say to feel better"
"Yeah...oh look its almost 2:30 I need to wake up fast and you should also go to sleep, before leaving pallet town, I'll talk to you okay?"
"Okay!" He said grinning and slowly climbing down the ladder he got.

You stayed up really late last night and forgot that you have to pick up the starter from Professor Oak, running as fast as you can you managed to get to the lab and opened the door seeing professor standing, checking something in his documents.
"P-Professor Oak! I'm here to get my pokémon..." You said panting
"Oh uhmmm....Y/N your late..."
"Oh I mean look at the time, it's 9, everyone got their starters already and left...."
"unfortunately no...the last person came and took a Pikachu and left, if you were earlier than that boy, you might've gotten yourself my last pokémon, pikachu...."
"T-Then you mean I won't he able to start my journey anymore..?" You said as you fell to the ground
"N-No, I didn't meant that! You see that ummmm, I might not have a pokémon for you, but who said that you can't catch one for yourself? I can show you how to catch one, viridian forest is not far away, come with me, we might be able to get you a pokémon, who knows if you can get a rare pokémon aswell!"
"Really?! So let's go!!" You said jumping up from the ground and almost running out of the lab but suddenly got stopped by Professor
"Wait Y/N, you need to wait a bit..."
"Huh why professor?" You asked as you turned around to face professor Oak
"Ummm you see that I ran out of pokéballs, I gave my last bunch of pokéballs to the last trainer, I ordered some in the morning but the delivery guy is still not here
"So you mean I have to wait longer to get my starter?"
"No don't worry, I asked my grandson to deliver the balls to me"
"Your grandson? You mean GARY?"
"You called?" As you mentioned his name, you turned around to see him standing with a bunch of cheerleaders behind him.
'Can this day get any worse?!' You mentally said to yourself
Gary Oak, was your childhood friend and rival, it would be better to say less of a friend and more of a rival, he would make fun of you whenever you mess something up and his cheerleaders were more annoying, agreeing with him on everything, making fun of you more than Gary does. A week before today, everyone celebrated your Birthday and Gary would keep complaining about you being the last one to turn 10 and he's not able to start off his journey cause of you. Now here he is, if he knows that your late and didn't got your pokémons yet, then shoot, he's gotta make fun of you unless he changes.
"Ah Gary, right on time, thank you so much for getting the balls for me"
"Nah it's alright gramps, and Y/N what about you? You got any pokémons Or your late to even get one?~"
"Ugh Gary! I-"
"You two stop, don't fight in middle of my lab, let Y/N get her pokémon then you both can do a pokémon battle and i won't stop you both
"Sound good to me~"
"Now Gary, you can leave now, I gotta take Y/N and help her get the pokémon"
"Wait Gramps, can I show Y/N?"
"Ah ofc you can Gary, I can work on something else while you help her"
"Here, Y/N have these 7 pokéballs and a pokédex" Professor Oak said handing you the balls and the dex
"okay then let's go!"
"WAIT WHAT?! I DONT WANNA GO- AAAHHH!" you couldn't even finish your sentence before Gary started to drag you out of there
"Ladies, you can wait for me in the car, I'll be back soon~"
"OKAY GARY" the cheerleaders screamed and waited inside the car

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