Chapter 7 - Rooftop Romance

Start from the beginning

He sighed and lifted his head. "Ahh yeah. I'm gonna be in this class from now on."

The girl was frothing from her mouth at this point, she kept going on and on about how much of a fan she was right up until the teacher came in, she sat beside me giggling to herself.

As class dragged on I sighed and looked out the window. I almost missed seeing Aomine sleeping on the rooftop, then I remembered he was right behind me, thats when I felt a sudden sensation on my back, I jolted up in surprise.

"Miss Kessaku are you alright?" The teacher asked confused.

"Oh yeah sorry I thought I saw a bug, false alarm." I sat back in my chair.

I could hear Aomine snorting behind me at my reaction, I'm going to kill him....

The sensation returned soon after, Aomine was tracing his pencil along my back. If you've ever had someone surprise you by putting a scalp massager on your head this is exactly what that feels like, I gasped for air, it seemed like he was writing letters on my back but I couldn't quite figure out what they are. I swear I'm going to beat him up once class is done, my back kept twitching from how good it felt. (not in a nasty way, like an ASMR way!!!)
I sighed, is this how it's gonna be for the rest of the year?
I smacked Aomine with my book.
I smacked him again, and again, and again.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry!" He said surrendering.

"Yah. Don't do it again or I'll kill you."

"I promise I won't." He said trying to hold in his laughter.


"AHHH!" Aomine's screams could be heard throughout the halls as I dragged him towards the rooftop by his ear, in my other hand were my bento boxes. I opened the door and roughly pushed him onto the roof, he came to a stop before falling in a really cool looking way. Seriously does he never do anything that looks embarrassing? Everything he does looks so cool! UGHH

He looked at me in shock.

"Deserved." Is all I said in retort, I climbed up the ladder and he followed behind.
"Here." I said handing him a lunch box.

"You know I'm perfectly capable of buying something from the cafeteria." He grinned.

"Okay then in that case give it back." I said testing him.

"No-no! I'm just kidding." He took off the lid to reveal his lunch. "Wow! Looks great."

"Doesn't it always?" I said giving myself a pat in the back.

He chuckled.

"I was wondering, when's your birthday?"

"Hm, August 31st." He said through bites of food.

"Oh, that's like two months away." I thought.


"Well, my brothers birthday is in a few days so it got me thinking about how I didn't know yours."

"I see, so when's yours?"

"February 14th" I smiled cheekily.

Aomine had a thoughtful look in his eye. "That seems familiar."

"Yeah most people forget about that holiday's date." I said bluntly.

Finally it snapped in Aomine's head. "Oh it's Valentine's Day!"


"That's actually really cool..." He had an aha moment.

"Actually my middle name is Aiju, meaning "to gather love" my mom thought she was slick huh."
(A/N that's my birthday and real middle name, it's Chinese if you're curious however japanese people use a lot of Chinese characters so it translates well.)

Aomine burst out laughing.

"Well, it's not that funny.." I mumbled.

"No no I'm not laughing at your name, I just think it's ironic, you were born on the day of love, and your name means to gather love, and that's exactly what you do."

I blushed furiously. "Huh!"

"Sōdai, you bring out the best in people, you make everyone around you happy. So many people love you because of that."

"Well not everybody.." I said, thinking back to the fight I had. "And besides it's only been half a month! How many people could really love me." I rolled my eyes.

"A lot." Aomine said wide eyed. "I'm telling you a lot."

"I don't get why, I'm not all that special. And did you seriously call me by my first name.?"

"People like to be around you, just glancing at you makes them smile stupidly. Seriously you need to start paying more attention. And yes I did, just like you did on our date two weeks ago."

"Wha- that was a one time thing,"

"Let's make it official, Sōdai."

"It's only been half a month tho... people will start to talk."

"Then let them talk, maybe it'll make those animals quit thirsting over you." He said rolling his eyes, he closed up his bento box and layed down.

"Okay then, ughhhh Daiki......." I said dramatically, forcing out his name like vomit.

He didn't seem too pleased with the way I said it.
"You make it sound like my name is the plague."

"It's hard for me okay......??????? Give it some time it'll work itself out." I said lying down beside him. "What are you looking at?" I asked.

"The clouds."

"Hm," I yawned causing my eyes to start watering, as I laid down I realized how tired I was. I closed my eye causing a tear to drop.

That startled Daiki. "Hey, why are you crying?" He almost looked worried.

I giggled. "I'm not, I'm just tired, don't your eyes water when you're tired?"

"Oh. I guess they do." He laid back down, the cool breeze was blowing ever so softly and the temperature was just perfect, it had rained the night before so the smell of water was still fresh in the air. I love that smell the most, it's what Daiki smelt like. The atmosphere was so comfortable, that I wished the moment would never end, before I knew it I drifted off into sleep.

So warm.. so soft..

"Sōdai..." A whisper sounded in my ear.
"Sōdai?" The voice said again, I felt something shaking my shoulders causing me to wake up.

"Hmm? Where are we?" I said looking up at Aomine.

He laughed. "The rooftop, you're really out of it. Have you been working yourself too hard?" He said in a tired deep voice.

"Nah, my job isn't so bad. What time is it?"

"It's time for me to go to practice, so you have to get off."

"Huh?" As my brains gears began to turn I realized that I was laying on top of Aomine while I was asleep. "HUH!?!!" I jumped off immediately but due to lack of iron I fell on my butt.

Aomine burst out in laughter then quickly helped me up.

"I can't believe I slept for so long, I skipped class... I'm a delinquent.." I sighed.

"Relax, it's not that big of a deal."

"Well, I guess I can check it off my bucket list, okay go to practice I'm gonna stay for a while and wake up."

"I don't wanna go to practice." He grumbled.


"Okay, okay, I'm going." he sighed.

As soon as I heard the door close I sighed and layed back down.

"Im tired."

The Baker and the Basketball Player (Aomine x OC)Where stories live. Discover now