Chapter 27: Maybe This Was Never A Good Idea

Start from the beginning


Mika finally reached The Cats once again in her life. It was all tore down and loud because there were a lot of things under construction. "I...did this? How did I stray so far from my journey? All I wanted was to know who The Monster People were, then eventually what was up with The Council... Why did I..." Mika's thoughts were flowing in her head. It was all coming back to her. Regret. Pain. Idiotic ideas. But it was all in vain. All those thoughts did was just putting her in more pain than she already was.

"M-Mika...?" a voice echoed through her head. She turned around and widened her eyes at the sight. "There's no way... What are you doing here? Alone..." It was Charlotte.

"You sure grew up... Charlotte," Mika's eyes drifted to the ground.

"Is that all you want to say? Is that the first thing you say to someone you left all of a sudden without any explanation?" Charlotte said, slowly getting angry.

"I... I have some explanations to give. That's why I came alone. I hope you guys will let me tell you..." Mika realized what she has done, but felt like that was not enough. She had to come here one last time to clear things up and then...

"How dare you leave us like that to become a villain, God damn it!" Charlotte yelled, which caught the other girl off guard.

"I know...but I don't think an apology would be enough... Right?" Mika said as she already knew the answer. Charlotte went silent. "Please... I just want to tell you all why all of this happened, even though even I, myself, don't know exactly why and how I reached this point... I'll try to explain what I know. After that you can do whatever you want with me," Mika said and Charlotte widened her eyes one second. She signed Mika to follow her.


"You... You're kidding, right?" Kate said as she saw the person who left a long time ago. Not a pleasant sight.

"How's Mike?" Charlotte asked as if Mika was not there. Mika felt awkward and just stepped in, closed the door and stood there. She wanted to ask about Mike, but didn't think she deserved to know anymore.

"He's better, but seriously? She's back now?" Kate asked mad.

"No... I'm not. I just came to give some explanations. After that... I'll leave, if you let me," Mika stated. Kate agreed to hear what Mika had to say.

"Hold on a minute, what?! What's going on over here?! The hell is Mika doing here?!" Mike yelled as he just came out of his room.
He looked terrible and Mika widened her eyes, then looked at Charlotte. Charlotte signaled her to keep quiet and nodded.

"She came to give some explanations and then she doesn't know what to do. Don't worry. She's here alone," Kate explained. Mike frowned and took a seat on the couch as well.

"You better have good explanations," Mike said as he looked straight in her eyes.

"Sorry, I might disappoint you. I barely know why I did what I did myself, but I'll try," Mika explained. "So... Let's start from the beginning. I wanted to find out why everybody was keeping The Monster People away from each other and why some other people wanted us together. I wanted to know what was inside of me. After years, I got accepted, suddenly, by The Council to be a Fighter early on and then they gave you to me," Mika looked at Charlotte as she spoke that line. "Later on, I infiltrated The Unmasked to find new information, then you guys got kidnapped and I had to keep playing my role. After that... I think I joined them out of spite. The fact that The Council lied all those years didn't feel right at all. I wanted to destroy them, but I don't know how I got to destroying other people's lives," Mika held her head. "I think I've gone crazy. I've erased all of you from my mind a while back unknowingly. You just weren't there to keep me sane anymore, so I slipped out of the good side of the spectrum, but I didn't slip to the other side. I was in the space between the two sides. I felt it worsen by the day though. Until recently, when you guys started to pop back up in my head. And I slowly started to realize what I was doing and started questioning everything that happened. I... I feel like shit. I think that's the conclusion. Maybe I'm just not made for this world... Maybe I should just go-" Mika got cut off by a slap from Charlotte.

"Don't say that!" Charlotte yelled. Everyone was wide eyed. Mika's hair covered her now unmasked face, but someone still saw a glimmer in her eyes.

"Wait... What's that with your eyes?" Mike asked as he saw it. Mika kept quiet. "No comment, huh?" he continued as he clicked his tongue. Mika picked up her mask and put it back on.

"Don't say you still care about me after all of this? That's not good for you- for anyone. You should know better, Charlotte" Mika scolded.

"Mika... Even so, she's right. You shouldn't say that. You bave done thing beyond horrible, but even so don't think that way. Try to change," Kate smiled weakly. Mika whispered something. "What was that?" Kate asked.
                     "It's too late to change."

The Power In Her Eyes

Mika's eyes started to glow and she groaned in pain. She covered her eyes. The house went to bits and pieces.

"What the actual fu-" Mike didn't get to finish his proposition as he looked at the destroyed house and a figure of a person over it. It was, obviously, the only person that wasn't with them. Mika.

"H-hey, what just happened?" Kate asked, but nobody answered as both her friends were on guard, focused on what could happen next.

Mika stood over the destroyed house with an insane look, glowing eyes, drooling and in a bent down position, with her arms hanging. She breathed heavily.

                        "M o v e   m o r t a l s," 

a voice that came from Mika, that totally did not sound like her, said.

Everyone stepped back. They were terrified. What the hell happened? Nothing good, for sure.

Mika's eyes started glowing harder, blinding the three friends, and Kate was blown away.

"Kate!" Mike yelled as he went after her, dragging Char with him. She struggled to get out of his grip and managed in the end. She ran towards Mika. "Char! Wait!" Mike yelled, but useless.

"Mika!" Charlotte yelled for her. Mika growled. "Please, stop it!"

               "I   c a n ' t   d o   s u c h   t h i n g.
             A p o l o g i e s,   d e a r     m o r t a l,"

Mika said as her eyes glowed again and almost blown Char away, but with her sword technique, spinning it in circles, she managed to stand her ground a bit. Just a bit though wasn't enough. She was thrown to a rock. A crack sound was heard along with a yelp from Charlotte. After that she fell to the ground face foward and didn't move anymore. At that moment, Mika was back to normal and went to Charlotte. Checked if she was fine.


Mike and Kate saw that the glowing stopped and went in their friend's direction. Only Charlotte was to be seen, tied up with a jacket. Mika's jacket. And a note?

"Hey, Charlotte! You good? Come on!" Kate shook her friend as Mike took the letter and started to read it. He dropped it to the ground. He was petrified. "Mike? Mike! Are you okay?! What's wrong?! Come on!" Kate shook her other friend. He pointed at the letter. The letter was wirtten in big letters. Only three words appeared though. Kate's eyes widened. "No..."

                        "I killed Charlotte"

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                        "I killed Charlotte"

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