Chapter 21: Start

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Central Region

"Today, 27th of April, we will start our cleansing. If you don't want to get caught in the chaos, you better run faster than Sonic the Hedgehog ever did. You have a minute," Lucas said on top of a building that was equiped with a big screen so everybody heard.

"Cleansing? Really?" Martha said not buying it.

"I just said it to make us look cool," Lucas pouted.

"You made us sound like extremist religious people. Or maniacs. Or both. Extrimist religous maniac people," Kiki pointed out and Lucas just 'hmph'-ed.

Mika was looking at the people who were either panicking or not caring and going on with their lives. "Pathetic," she thought.

The minute passed.

"Let's go," Mika called. They all jumped off the building and started throwing bombs and prepared their guns and- wait. Someone is missing. Kiki remained on top of the building. She had a sniper. So she was a lunetist? I didn't know you had it in you Kiki! Just incase anything happened, she was there prepared.

"Alright, remember how we split up and what we do right?" Mika asked as they reached the ground and everyone nodded. "Okay. Than scatter!" she yelled and they all went separate ways.

Lucas succefully blew up the suburbans.
"Hehe. Now pose, Lucas," Lucas said and then posed as a villain would. Imagine a wierdo posing as a narcissist for fun.

"Alright, let's see what the others are doing," Lucas said and then left the place.
Jack finished with the left side of the Central Region. He did so much damage. That region had a lot of people so a lot of screaming was heard. He just stood and looked at it all.

Mika had the middle part of the Central Region which had the highest building, the one that Kiki was on. That one will be the last one to blow. She did a lot of damage since people were going to work and all.
Norman mostly just punched the base of the buildings after blowing them up and run out of them so he could train his muscles at the same time he was doing the vandalizing. Of course, I don't know if they know it's called "terrorism" but we'll leave it at that.

Ney was smart so they didn't do much other than pinpoint where is the weakest point of the building and bomb it. "Easy," they said.

Martha was kind of hesitant at killing people, but that didn't stop her from bombing buildings. She had her doubts but it somewhat felt good to destroy some things made by the people you despise.
Garr and his people were scattered around and someone who was in the midlle area of the region yelled: "T-They're The Runners! That quick and deadly group! Run!" and Mika heard it. She looked at Garr with a suspicious face and he just grinned and scratched the back of his head. His mask only covered the part around his eyes.

"It's fine. They seem to not hold anyhing against us. Actually the complete opposite, they're on our side. That's good. They're smart and quick. It's good that they're here," Mika thought.


Char, Mike and Kate were looking at the news and heard about what was going on. "It seems that The Monster People are at it again! And this time they have who we think are The Runners on their side. Please try to avoid all the chaos and go to other regions or anywhere far away from the Central Region." was what they said at the news channel and Mike stood up from his seat and said: "Let's go!"


Mika would feel like going on a rampage and kill everyone by now, but she somehow managed to surpress that feeling. "Something feels off. That's never good. I have a bad feeling," she thought to herself.

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