Chapter 2 - Knockturn Alley

Start from the beginning

He gave her an iffy smile. "Who are you young lady?" he asked.

"Ostara, Ostara Stiltskin."

"Damien, Damien Nopine," he said extending an arm out to shake Ostara's hand. "What can I do for you Miss?"

"That boy who was just in here."

"Oh Isidore," he sighed and shook his head.

"He's a student at Hogwarts?" Star asked.

"Yes, going into his final year."

"What did he want?"

"Something we did not have," the man said cautiously.

"You care to elaborate on such words?" Star asked.

"Not to little girls I met two minutes ago."

He stood from his seat behind the counter. He reached his hand to the top of an herb shelf and pulled down a small jar of what appeared to be purple leaves. "Here," he said handing the jar to Star.

"What's this?"

"Mungo-shroom leaves. One touch of these will cause instant death or extreme illness to whoever has been so unfortunate to make contact with it." Star jumped back and handed the jar back to the man. "Or we have this," he said shaking a dark purple bottle. "One drop of this is worse than any cruciatus curse." He gave Star a sick smile.

"What's your point?" she asked, disgusted.

"My point is, look at all the things I just showed you. None of which are illegal to sell. So you can only imagine what your dear little friend Rosier was trying to purchase from me."

Star stared at the grimy man.

"We are acquaintances now Miss Stiltskin, should you ever need any herbs or special potions, my door is always open." She assumed that was her cue to leave.

"Thank you Mr Nopine. I shall take you up on the offer should the day I need a potion present itself." Her cloak spun as she made her way out of the potion store.

The light from Diagon Alley was creeping into the dark alley way, calling for Ostara to follow it. Sebastian would be getting hungry and tired of waiting for her. But a whole alley full of dark secrets was just waiting behind her to be explored.

Sebastian could wait a little longer.

Pulling her cloak tighter around her body, Ostara began working her way down Knockturn Alley.

Ignoring the glances from creepy wizards, she stopped out front of a shop. It's sign read 'Borgin and Burkes'. In the window was a flyer that caught Ostara's eyes.

"The Pureblood Society presents:
Mudbloods and the dangers they pose to the Wizarding World.
A seminar about why you should care they're attending your children's schools.
August 30th, 1pm
with special guest, Actaeus Malfoy"

Mudblood? Pureblood? What was this? Ostara looked at the date on the flyer. August 30th, that was today. 1pm, oh crap, what was the time? She had to get out of here.

But it was too late, people began surrounding her and piling into the centre of the alley way. They all were dressed in luxurious clothes which matched Star's, except hers were whites and golds. Theirs seemed to consist of dark greens and blacks.

She began to try and shuffle out of the crowd, but as she walked backwards, her wand fell from her grip. She leant down to pick it up but a pale hand had already clasped it.

"Lose this?" A rich voice spoke. She turned around to meet the man behind the seductive voice.

Standing before her was a tall young man, perhaps even her age. He wore an expensive blazer which matched his dark curls. And his smiled carried a wickedness to it. He was very handsome. Perhaps even the most handsome man Ostara had ever seen.

Ostara leaned in to snatch her wand back. "You know, you should really be more careful." He moved her wand away from her grasp. "Wandering around Knockturn Alley without a wand may just land you in some hot water." He manoeuvred the piece of wood out of her reach again. Every time his body made a movement, strong scents of mahogany would flood her nostrils.

"Give it back! I need to get back to my friend," Star said.

"But the speech is just about to start. Stay why don't you?" He smiled at her, charisma oozing from his perfect features. "You wouldn't have come if you weren't the least bit curious."

Star stared into his eyes, blinking slowly. "Curiosity killed the cat," she said, repeating Sebastian's words.

"Only when the cat lacks the appropriate materials to defend itself." He raised an eyebrow, and finally handed Star her wand back. "Tom Riddle." He held out an empty hand.

"Ostara Stiltskin," she said shaking his hand firmly. "Pleased to mee-" she cut herself off. In the distance she saw the boy. The same boy from the potion shop. Isidore Rosier. He was making his way closer to her and the boy. "I have to go," she said dropping Tom's hand and taking off down the alley.

Ostara felt ashamed for considering staying and hearing the awful this a wizard was about to preach. This boy was so charming, so charismatic.

She was always the charismatic one. The one who could manipulate and get what she wanted. To have someone else almost pull the same trick on her was shameful.

She panted as she approached the table where Sebastian sat. "Where have you been?" he asked.

"Oh you know, no big deal, just almost got trapped into a cult gathering," she flicked her hand down to shrug off the situation.

"What?" Sebastian coughed on his water.

"Oh, and I dropped my wand!" She beamed at him as she sat down.

"But your holding it?" he questioned.

"A saint picked it up for me."


"His name was Tom."

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