As soon as Manny, Sid, and Diego appeared, Buck got an idea and ran over to a pile of shrubs, which turned out to actually be a group of moths. "Shoo! Shoo! Come on! Move!"

The moths flew into the sky, swarming around Rudy and distracting him.

Meanwhile, Manny ran near the giant dino with some vines. "Diego!" He yelled as he dodged Rudy's foot and tossed a vine to the saber. "Catch!"

"Got it!" Diego caught the vine and began running around Rudy, the plan being to tie him up and temporarily stop him.

Buck and Avery had some vines as well and the two swung around the massive dino, tying his mouth shut. Everyone did their part and continued to tie Rudy up in the vines, being cautious of his feet and claws so no one got hurt.

"Through the hole. Over the valley. One more loop..." Sid said while neatly tying knots around Rudy's foot.

"Come on, lads! Heave!" Buck shouted.

Manny, Diego, and Avery strained as they pulled, tightening the vines wrapped around Rudy and bringing him to his knees. Buck let go of his vine and landed on the ground, only a few inches in front of where Rudy collapsed completely.

He walked over to the now immobilized beast and patted his snout calmly. "Better luck next time, Snowflake". Buck then turned to the others and began running with them. "This isn't gonna hold him long! Let's go!"

"Hold up, guys!" Sid yelled, lagging behind. He accidentally trips over one of the vines holding Rudy down and lands right in front of him. As he gets up, Rudy opens one of his eyes and looks at Sid, who screams and backs up.

Unfortunately, Buck was right and Rudy stood up, breaking his ties easily. He then looks at Sid, who tries to crawl away on his back, and decides to come after him first. Sid screams the loudest he's ever had as he believes this was really the end for him.

Suddenly, a rock gets thrown at Rudy's face, which makes the dinosaur turn around. He expected it to be Buck again, but instead, the beast saw Redwood standing behind him, holding her parents' spear with a fearless and angry expression on her face.

"No! You don't touch him, you don't touch anybody!" She yells at him. Full-on confidence and rage could be heard in her voice with no fear in sight. "I've got a family I'm trying to protect here! You want to get violent, you old fossil?! WELL COME ON! You better have a plan to kill me though, BECAUSE IT'S ME BEFORE ANYONE ELSE IN HERE!!!"

Rudy roars loudly and makes his way toward Redwood, who doesn't even attempt to run away. The others see this and they all become the most scared they ever had been for the human's life. Avery even tries to run to her, but she's held back by Buck.

Before Rudy could kill Redwood, she shouts as if she's signaling someone. "Now!"

Completely out of nowhere, Momma T-Rex arrives just in time and pushes Rudy backwards into the jungle, saving the human girl, (and by extension, everyone else).

"Way to go, Momzilla!" Sid cheers.

Momma T-Rex continued to push Rudy back until she finally shoved him against a giant boulder, causing it to break and fall over a ledge into an abyss, carrying the dreaded beast along with it.

Everyone watches as Rudy roars again, disappearing into the darkness. No one even noticed Buck's shocked reaction as this was happening.

Once he was gone, Momma T-Rex began roaring in triumph, with Eggbert, Shelly, and Yoko copying her, and even Sid tried to get in on this.

Afterwards, he walked over to the group of T-Rexes and watched them fondly. Momma T-Rex and the baby dinos look at Sid before Eggbert, Shelly and Yoko run over to him.

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