Chapter 4: The Golden Guard

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A/N: Not me posting this at 12:30 am Monday morning. Also this chapter is longer than the rest. I managed to get 4k words for this chapter. (I wrote like 3k word two hours ago cause I was procrastinating this week. Anyway, here's this chapters summary: Going on a mission and going on tour. The Golden Guard shall watch from a far. Someone breaks into a person's house.

Luz's POV

A loud crash coming from the kitchen is the reason why I'm awake right now. I got up and headed downstairs just to make sure that something wasn't on fire. I walked into the kitchen and found Eda getting a few ingredients together. Since when does Eda wake up this early? Is Eda becoming responsible? Who is she and what has she done to my mentor? "Since when are you awake before me?" I asked.
"Since always," Eda said. That's a flat out lie, I'm always awake before her. I always need to bribe Eda for her to wake up. "That's not true, you always wake up at least an hour after I do," I said while Eda was taking a wooden bowl out of the cupboard that's under the counter, she placed the bowl down on the counter, looked at me and smiled.

"Well technically your brain doesn't sleep, if it did you'll probably be dead, so, therefore, I am always awake, I'm just on standby."

What? "I- That's not how-" I'm trying to put words together so that I can prove what Eda said was wrong but my brain is failing to do the simple task, betrayed by my own brain. I let out a loud groan. "You know what, I'm not even gonna try and argue about it at this point," I admitted defeat. Eda always takes science and finds a loophole to it and it's getting harder and harder to prove her version wrong.

"Haha, point for Eda," Eda said, chuckling. She pulled out a bag of flour and just dumped all the contents into the bowl. "Isn't that a bit too much flour?" I asked. "Not if you have King around when there are guests." ...She's got a point. Whenever there are guests around, King eats most of the food to "assert dominance". We always end up making wayyy more than the usual amount of food.

A memory of last night popped into my head. "Oh yeah, I forgot. Last night before I fell asleep, I got more info about Phillip's diary from Echo Mouse. I wrote down some notes about it and there's a poem that we need to decipher that can give us directions to a place that might have Titan's Blood."

"Didn't the last place that "had" Titan's Blood almost kill us?"

"Well yes, but by the time you guys were gone, I had just gotten the info that Eclipse Lake was empty, this place is supposably a small sea of Titan's Blood."

Eda added more ingredients into the bowl and started mixing. "Kid, first off, it sounds impossible that there's an underground sea on the Boiling Isles."

"Well in the human realm, scientists discovered that there's an entire ocean underneath the Earth's surface soo, there's a high possibility that that's true."

"I'm pretty sure I remember that the demon realm and the human realm are completely different."

"Well, mostly different, the two realms can be the same in some ways."  Eda stopped mixing, got out a pan and set it on the stove. "Can't we finish this chat after breakfast? I'm still tired and I'm hungry."

"Ok sure."

"Great, and find out if our guests want to eat, I'm making pancakes."


"While you're at it, bring King with you." She put the stove on low heat and waited for it to heat up. “Aye aye captain.” I headed up the staircase and stood in front of the spare room now occupied by a fellow human and creatures from another dimension. I knocked on the door and waited for a reply.
“Come in.” I heard Anne say. I opened the room door and stepped inside, most of them were still asleep but Anne was busy on her phone. She looked up from her phone and waved at me. “Morning Luz.”

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