"Watch out for that one. She's...a bit strange," Jimin's stylist warns him lowly, watching warily as the girl damn near trips over her feet in her haste.

"We will," he replies, giving her a knowing smile and locking eyes with Tae in the mirror.

They, too had been watching the blog, checking it every time they saw her on her phone for an extended period of time. Unfortunately though, there were no new posts yet. They knew she'd slip up eventually though. People like her always do.


"So can we know now?" Tae asks as Luna and Jin place their meal on the table.

She'd told them she had a project, but didn't tell them what, deciding to keep them in suspense until dinner.

"Once everyone's seated and situated," she chuckles, looking around at the half empty table.

"Dinner's ready!" he yells, his voice echoing through the house.

That does the trick in getting everyone downstairs. Luna waits until everyone is seated and has a portion of food on their plates before she decides to speak up, Tae's expectant face making her laugh.

"Okay, so I told everyone earlier that I was contacted about a project that I'm going to have to work on super soon. So, DC comics is coming out with a spin-off of Suicide Squad and they want myself and Megan thee Stallion to work on a song together for it. Not only that, but they offered for me to co-direct the video shoot as well," she grins, clapping her hands excitedly.

She laughed and fought the urge to cover her ears at the uproar that occurred at the table. After all the congratulations died down, she speaks again.

"I'm also dropping a surprise song drop at midnight tonight. I don't expect you to stay up and listen because we leave at 4am to head to the airport, but I thought I'd let you know. I'm shooting the video for that in about 3 days, depending on what my LA team can get done in that amount of time," she says.

"In that case, I'm gonna hug you now because I know we won't be seeing much of you in the next few days," Jin says, fake crying and hugging her to his chest.

"Well, I have the first day in LA off and you guys have the first 3 days off so I'm sure we'll see each other in between my schedule. Besides, next week much of our schedule is the same—interviews remember?" she says and he nods.

"We'll still miss you though," Joon says, patting her knee.

"Aww baby, you guys can always pop in on my video shoot," she suggests and he nods.

"Maybe we will. We don't want to be in the way," Yoongi says and she shakes her head.

"Trust me, you won't. The way videos are shot in the US is much more lax than here. Rappers bring their whole team plus a whole entourage of friends with them like everywhere. I'm sure I can accommodate the seven of you," she assures him.

She'd feel better with them present anyways. With their upcoming schedules, every opportunity to spend time together was not to be taken for granted.


Luna woke up to her 3:15am alarm and groans, shutting it off and grabbing the remote that turned her light on off the bedside table. Jimin and Tae immediately started to stir, but JK didn't move an inch—still laying on his back and snoring softly.

Luna II(A BTS Soulmate AU)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें