02 ; their first meeting

Start from the beginning

"Just wait in front of the lobby. He will arrive right on time"

Letting out a sigh, she tilted her head at an unknown person who walked towards her. She couldn't see his face but she felt like this is the person that will help them for time being. Without wasting her time, Ahri slowly approached that guy before stopping in front of him.

"Um, excuse me. Are you that perso-"

She didn't finish her word as she examined his face. His golden eyes, along with the brown-haired that matched with his tuxedo. His jawline is sharp as his eyes. She couldn't see the thing underneath his shirt but she confirmed that he has a toned body.

He's handsome.

While lost in her thought, (Y/N) couldn't help but feel dumbfounded when this fox stared at him without being able to finish her words earlier. As he waved his hand at her, she finally rose from her own thought as a flush crept up her face.

"Miss Ahri, are you okay?" (Y/N) asked, stepping back from her due to how close they were earlier. The female vastaya blinked her eyes for a second before a smile plastered on her beautiful face.

"Ah-yeah. I'm sorry about earlier" She apologized, hoping that he doesn't mind about the incident earlier.

(Y/N) just nodded, smiling back just to make sure that he's being polite in front of the idol. He gazed at their surrounding, realizing that they shouldn't be here longer. Otherwise, someone would spot them both together.

He glanced at Ahri back. "I think we should head inside" He stated, earning a nod from Ahri.

They walked at the same pace as they entered the first floor of the building. (Y/N) senses were not too good, but he could guess Ahri kept stealing a glance at him, which it's not surprising at all. As they entered the lift, Ahri opened her mouth to speak.

"Should we get to know each other first?" She asked while glancing at (Y/N).

The brown-haired guy also glanced at her, ended up having eye contact with each other. The atmosphere between them could be described as....quiet, cold and also awkward, so Ahri tried to brighten the mood.

"I'm sure it's a great idea to start a conversation, Miss Ahri" (Y/N) said, keeping his expression and his voice in check. "My name is (Y/N). Just (Y/N)."He introduced himself in his flat tone as usual, but he's still managed to be polite.

"Oh! My name is Ahri, the leader of K/DA group. It's a pleasure to meet you, (Y/N)" Ahri formed a smile, gesturing her hand at him as both of them shook their hands. While shaking his hand, she could feel his toned hand under the dark gloves he's currently wearing. His grip wasn't too hard nor loose, causing her to start getting comfortable.

"Pleasure to meet you too, Miss Ahri" He responded back, gaining a stare from her.

"You can just call me Ahri, you know"

"This is how I socialize with everyone. Hope you didn't mind that, Miss Ahri"

"Oh...." Ahri looked down, realizing that she's embarrassing herself in front of this fucking handsome man.

(Y/N) spoke again. "But I will call your name without honorifics when we start getting closer one day"

Her face brightened up. If he had his mirror right now, he could show what kind of face she did on him earlier.

"Oh, that's right!" Looking at her face, (Y/N) guessed that she will ask another question which related to himself. "How old are you?"

"I'm 30 years old" (Y/N) quickly responded.

Once she heard his response, she stopped on her track. Her eyes still gazed at (Y/N). Her mind was blank while still processing the thing they've talked about right now.


"Ummm" His deep voice caused her snapped out of her thought. It's a second time she did this to him. "Are you okay, Miss Ahri? Do you have a fever or something?" He leaned his face towards her, causing her to blush, once again.

(Y/N), who leaned his face earlier, immediately noticed a tint of blush on her cheek. That was when an idea appeared on his mind. His face went to her left side, closing his distance to her ear on her head. Ahri, who was stunned standing there while seeing herself close to each other, couldn't do anything. It was like her body accepted his presence. Then, she heard him talk once again.

"Or.....I can just bring you there, carrying you a bridal style while you secretly laid your head on my chest, sniffing my clothes and imagine what kind of scenario will you think I will do to you next" (Y/N) smirked on her side, teasing Ahri.

She did not want to admit this, but his deep yet alluring tone somehow could make her knees weak. It's......addicting. She wanted to hear this again and again.

"A-Ah, I'm okay. I just thinking about something....." She managed to come with a lie as (Y/N) retreated himself. She noticed his smirk right away before its vanished. His expression turned back into stern as he gestured Ahri the way to their penthouse.

As they arrived at the penthouse, Ahri put the card into a doorknob as the door itself opened. Once they stepped in, (Y/N) sensed other presences in this room.

"Ummm guys....." Ahri called the remaining member of the group as they shifted their attention not to Ahri, but the guy beside her.

It was when they saw a handsome man entered their penthouse.


Author note: It's kinda rushed, I must say. I shouldn't make (Y/N) flirted with Ahri, but what can I do though? Speaking of (Y/N), when I reread the K/DA fanfictions, the alternate version of him would be a student in the university who got lucky for getting a K/DA ticket concert due to some plot armor. Or he's a normal person who coincidentally met with one of the members of the group and ended up living with them, falling in love and the end. (Hope some of you didn't take this seriously).

For this fanfiction, I'm trying to make (Y/N) different from others. Instead of K/DA who lead the relationship, you, the readers will lead the relationship, become dominant and make them kinda......submissive? Yeah, that's the thing I want to see in the future, like have you ever seen Evelynn, a flirty and dominant diva become submissive for (Y/N)?

But, for now, we will focus on (Y/N) become a manager of K/DA and solve their problems. Well, it will be just like The Manager series from IvanBullock series, but the main character will be different, same to the K/DA. Well, that's only from me.

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