Hot Water, Apple scent, and a Binder

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Draco's POV:
My curtains around my bed are closed. I can heard Goyle snoring. God he's loud. I quickly open my curtains a peak and look around. All of the others are asleep. I sigh in relief and walk to the bathroom.
I step in the shower and shiver. The water was cold but it was slowly getting warmer. I let it heat up until it burned my skin.

I grab my Shampoo from where it sits in our bins. Quickly but efficiently scrubbing it trough my Blonde almost white hair. The bright scent of Green apples and oranges hits my nose. I smile tilting my head and washing out the tons of suds.

I then grab my conditioner and quickly massages it into my hair. I sit on the cold floor to let it sit lightly singing
"You are my Sunshine, My only sunshine.
You make me happy, when sky's are grey.~ you'll never know dear how much I love you. So please don't take... My Sunshine... Away.~" I slowly trail of my voice and stand up to rinse it out of my hair. Slowly getting up. I turn of the shower and pull a towel up to cover my whole body. I hate my body... I hate having a big chest. I sigh sadly and peak out the door. I hear the sounds I know are Blaise waking up so I quickly sprint back to my bed and the curtains. Getting ready, I pull on a dark green binder that my mother had gotten me. My standard white button up. Some NICE and of course EXPENSIVE slacks. Because if I'm gonna have a body I hate I WILL NOT have clothes that I hate. I just can't do that. I snicker a bit at the thought.

I pull on a simple pair of black dress shoes. If im being honest I prefer boots over Dress shoes but whatever.

I opened my curtains and put on a sneer. Ready for whatever this thing called life decides to do to me.

341 words. Also if you can't read the Title it's: "Hot Water, Apple Scent, And a Binder"
Also thanks for the votes on the last chapter! It's greatly appreciated! Vote and comment if you enjoy!

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