Character Information

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Name: Yumie

Surname: Hyuga

Age: 7(The beginning of the story)-13

Height: 150 cm -151 cm

Clan: Hyuga

Ninja Rank: Genin/Chunin


Misumi Hyuga [Mother]
Izanagi Hyuga [Grandfather]
Kana Hyuga  [Grandmother]
Orochimaru [Father]

Personality: That's to be discovered throughout the story.


(That is what she looks like under a genjustu

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

(That is what she looks like under a genjustu. I explain in the story while the pink )

(Her normal appearance without the genjutsu

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

(Her normal appearance without the genjutsu. I plan to fix it later. She was supposed to have  blue hair still but Orochimaru eyes.)

Crush: Rock Lee

Hatchling [Naruto Fanfiction]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora