Chapter 1: Going to the Hidden Leaf

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Yumie's POV

I woke up to the sound of knocking on my door. I let out a yawn.

"Come in!" I called out, slightly annoyed at being woken up from my peaceful slumber.

The door opened to reveal Kabuto, my father's right-hand man standing in the hall.

"Yeah, what is it?" I asked, still grumpy from being woken up.

"Good morning Yumie," Kabuto said with an odd expression seeming like sadness."Still cranky when it comes to being woken up, I see."

"Good morning to you too, Kabuto," I said, confused, wondering what was bothering him. "And yes, I hate having my sleep disturbed."

"Yeah, I know," Kabuto said quietly.

"Is something wrong?" I asked. Kabuto looked away before shaking his head, and I immediately knew something was wrong.

"Everything ok just came to let you know breakfast was ready," He said.

"Okay, I will be there shortly."

Kabuto nodded and closed the door the would of his footsteps walking away from my bedroom door.

'Something is up this morning.' I thought, looking at the door.

I sighed and dragged myself out of bed and got dressed into a purple shirt with red flowers on it and black shorts. I then headed out of my room to the kitchen, where I saw my father eating breakfast while talking to Kabuto.

"Morning, Father," I greeted with a smile.

"Aw, good morning, my hatchling," Father said with a faint voice.

"Is something the matter?" I asked.

"No nothing wrong but I send you away to the Hidden Leaf," He said with his tone becoming dimmer with every word.

"Why?" I asked, confused as I sat down next to my father.

"Well, before leaving the village, I promise your mother that you come to live with her when you're seven years old and enter the Ninja Academy," He replied, eating eggs and waffles.

"Why? I mean, I always wanted to meet my mother, but why can't I stay here with you and enter the Academy here?" I asked, confused, playing with my eggs.

"I know this isn't easy for you, but you be better off living a life in the Hidden Leaf than here with a Rouge ninja."

"Will I ever see you again?"

"There will be a day you see me again, but it won't be for a while," He replied.

"When do I leave?" I asked, even though I knew it was most likely soon.

"You leave tomorrow," Kabuto stated. I shut my eye, not wanting to cry. I refused to look weak in front of my father; I must be strong for my father.

"Why can't I stay with you and mother come here. I don't care if life might be better in the Hidden Leaf. I know I can become a great shinobi training here with you," I argued.

"I know this is difficult, but I want you safe and living simple life as shinobi, not as a rouge being hunted down because of me. You're my daughter, and I can't let anything happen to you," Father said with a smile. "Plus, your mother will be able to teach you how to use your Kekkei genkai when the time comes for it to awaken.

I nodded my understanding. I still wasn't happy about this, but I understood.

"Kabuto, go help her pack some clothes," My father commanded.

Kabuto nodded and walked over to me and grabbed my hand, leading me back to my room. I sat on my bed, holding my knees up against my chest as I watched Kabuto pack a bag for me. I couldn't help but think about how much I would miss father.

"It going to be okay. You will have a wonderful life with your mother and learn to become a fantastic shinobi one day, and your father will be proud," He said, hugging me before he walked out the door.

'Why couldn't I live with here with father and mother comes here. Are why couldn't father come with me and we live in the Hidden Leaf as a family. He hates the village that much that he can't come with me?' I thought as I lay face down and buried my head in my pillow, wanting this to be a nightmare.


The following morning I was woken up to Kabuto opening my bedroom door.

"You are to eat breakfast, get dressed, and then see your father. He has something to give you before you leave," He said as he placed a tray with steamed rice and eggs on my bedside table.

I sighed and grabbed my food, and began eating. My nightmare of leaving was absolute and not a dream I had yesterday.

After I was done, I took a quick shower and got dressed in one of my favorite outfits. A blue kimono with yellow stars and a purple ribbon tied up in my hair.

I then headed to my father's office to say goodbye. Like always, I knocked before entering.

"Good Yumie, you here," My father said.

"Yes, father," I replied.

"I'm sorry you have to leave, but it fit the best, and I promise your mother that you come to live with her to start the Academy. However, I bought something last night in town for you. It is to remind you of me whenever you feel lonely or miss me," My father said as Kabuto walked over to me and handed me a box. Opening it, I saw inside was a purple to tome-shaped necklace matching fathers earrings.

"You got me a necklace?"

"Yesss, I did. Do you like it?" My father asked. I nodded.

"You want me to put it on you?" Kabuto asked.

I nodded, and Kabuto took the necklace and put it around.

"Beautiful," My father said with a brief smile."Now there is one more thing I need to do," He said, standing up and pressing a hand on my forehead.

I suddenly felt his charka flow in my body, cause g a slight disturb with my charka. I realize he must be using a genjustu or some sort.

"There we go. Your appearance is changed now when you show up; they won't see a resemblance with me," Father said, taking his hand off my forehead."Now time to go. I will walk you out."

"Thank you, Papa. I can't wait to see what you made me look like," I said, running towards my room.

I grabbed my bag but paused for a second when I saw a fair skin girl with blue hair and oddly pink eyes staring at me from the mirror over my desk. I shrugged, wondering why the pink eyes before meeting up with father at the front of the lord's house.

I looked at him with a sad smile. I didn't want to leave him. He meant everything to me.

"Good luck stays safe also; you look beautiful with my mother's pink eyes, even without the snake-slit pupils," Father said.

I nodded with a smile putting my backpack on my back. I was slightly surprised to know the pink eyes were from my grandmother and hoped as I grew older, maybe my eyes would turn natural pink though I was okay with my eyes staying golden like my father's eyes. With a deep breath, w walked out of the house and towards the gates, leaving the Hidden Sound.

"Stay safe, Yumie," Kabuto called out, getting ready to head back with father.

"Same to you and papa," I called back before settling off to the Hidden Leaf Village to leave with my mother and wondering when I start the academy.

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