🌼 3. The Pikachu Boy

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Chapter Song

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Chapter Song

Chapter Dedicationmrsjeonhana

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Chapter Dedication

¤¸¸.•'¯'•¸¸.•..>> 3 <<..•.¸¸•'¯'•.¸¸¤

I walked down the stairs and entered the living room, where Zen and Jeriko were already engaged in a conversation with Huang and Lily. I nonchalantly dropped my bag next to the table and sat down, seemingly unaffected by the world around me. With my headphones on, their voices were muffled, and I focused on drowning out their words. Jeriko and Zen seemed to be discussing something, occasionally gesturing towards me. Lily and Huang glanced at me, their expressions shifting from shock to gentle smiles.

As memories of my parents' fights flashed in my mind like a replayed video, I quickly switched my playlist to metal music. The heavy and intense melodies helped me escape the emotional turmoil building up inside me. The lyrics of the songs often resonated with my own experiences, offering a kind of therapy that allowed me to forget everything happening around me. In moments like these, I longed to be at the gym, pounding a heavy punching bag to release my pent-up frustration.

Just as I immersed myself in the music, a bowl of steaming ramen was placed in front of me, accompanied by a soft pat on my head. I lowered my headphones onto my shoulders and looked up to see Huang standing there. The tantalising aroma of the food instantly brought a wide grin to my face, and without hesitation, I grabbed the chopsticks and took a satisfyingly large bite of the delicious noodles.

"Woah there, kiddo, slow down. Don't choke on your food!" Huang chuckled at my enthusiastic eating and took a seat next to me.

"You know how much I love ramen!" I exclaimed, swallowing another big bite. "It's just so good!"

"But still, young lady, take your time. We have plenty of time," Lily said as she pulled out a chair opposite Huang and sat down.

I slowed down my eating pace, taking smaller bites as they reminded me to eat slowly. "Right, I have to go for counselling," I mumbled, my hand clenching tightly under the table, my nails digging into my palm.

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