11) Strange Car

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In the middle of nowhere, an old woman heard faint screams in her ears. She fell down and looked horrified at what she heard.

"My son has just died..." she said.

Her breathing started to go heavy.

"I can sense the misfortune that has befallen my son, Centerfold, through the connection we share as a family." she continued.

Just then, a bunch of holes shot through her body. The cat who was with her started to screech in terror as she screamed in pure agony.

"My precious son...So you died covered with wounds like this...I sense it through this pain, the same pain you felt. You were magnificent as you fought Lord Dio, Centerfold!"

She laid down face front on the floor.

"But...To kill someone like you, with a soul so pure...I'm sure they did something underhanded." she cried as more blood came out.

The cat screeched louder at her.

"Damn them!" the old woman exclaimed as she pounced in the air. "The bastards! I will make sure they pay a terrifying price with the Empress card!"

She lifted up her staff and smacked the cat's head with it.

"Now is the time to take action...With the Stand that kills slowly! I'm so sad! I shall kill them all and take the girl Lord Dio requested!" she cackled wickedly as she ran inside through the door.

The group was now in a car to go to Pakistan. They had to leave quickly because of that Stand Joseph witnessed back in Varanasi. The young girl who went along with there was another minion who worked for Dio. Also, he was wanted there, so that's a bigger problem.

"Soon we'll reach the Indo-Pakistani border...We'll be saying goodbye to India very soon." Kakyoin told them.

"Indeed. At first, I wondered what kind of country we'd walked into, but now I miss the hustle and bustle of Calcutta, and the rushing waters of the Ganges." Joseph added.

"I'll be coming back again, so I can make Avdol a proper grave." Polnareff also added while driving.

Everything went silent for a moment.

"I'm the one to blame..." Y/N spoke up.

They all turned to her. Her head was slightly hung low and her hands were together on her lap, fingers dancing together.

"If it weren't for me telling us to find Polnareff, then he'd be in this car with us...However, then Polnareff will be in the same fate as him, so with how stupid I am, I just told us to go and find him. Then, we all got separated...It's all my fault..." she explained while she clutched onto her uniform skirt.

The men stared at her in silence. They felt sorry for her that she blamed herself for something she wanted to fix that didn't go right. Joseph placed his hand on her shoulder.

"Y/N. None of this is your fault. You only wanted to make things right. That's the type of person you are. Avdol would be proud of you." he told her.

𝓢𝓽𝓪𝓻 𝓖𝓲𝓻𝓵 ( Yandere Jojo Part 3 x Fem Reader )Where stories live. Discover now