Sick Gen 🌠🌧️ Pt. 1

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Gen and Senku are living in different houses in the Ishigami Village in this AU due to some changes they're doing. The others don't know about the relationship yet! This is taking place in winter before they win against Tsukasa.

Gens POV:

I woke up about 1 hour ago. Yet I didn't get out of bed. I had a headache and I didn't feel very well. It doesn't help the fact I'm anemic and I can faint really easily. And I was supposed to go out with Senku-Chan today too!
I suddenly hear a knock on the door. It must be Senku-Chan!

"C-come in!" I cough a bit while I try to get up. I hear the door opening.
"Gen? Where the hell are you?"
"I'm in here- *cough cough* In the bedroom!"

Senku basically runs to my bedroom and comes to check on me.
"Gen.. What happened?"
"Ah it's nothing really. Just a little cold..".
"It doesn't look like it Gen. It can get really serious if we don't treat you. Ah, shit I forgot to get my termometre and medicine with me-"

"Senku-Chan I'll be fine.. It's just a little *cough*.. Cold that's it".
"Gen.. You know I'm worried".
"Yeah, I know that. And I'm thankful to have you here, Senku-Chan".

He looks at me with such a worried face.. He leans in and kisses my forehead, making me blush.
"You definitely have a fever Mentalist. You wait here. I'll go get medicine and tell Chrome I won't work for a while".

"But you shouldn't stop just because I'm sick! The village is more important, not to mention that Tsukasa might attack at any time".
"Exactly. That's why I need to take care of you so that you're not sick when they attack. Plus what if you got Ruri's disease".

He grabs my hand and pulls it to his chest. I can sense he's worried about me.
"It's settled. I'll take a break till I can see you're better".

He quickly runs to get medicine and other stuff he'll need. I can hear Chrome shouting "BUT SENKUUU". I guess he told him he's taking a break.

He rushes back into my house and quickly comes into my room. He pulls out some pills and hands them to me.

I slowly put the pills in my mouth and swallow. They tasted horrible.
"Bleh, they don't taste good at all".
"Hehe i can't make them fruit flavored in this stone world so deal with it".

Once again, Senku gives me a kiss on my forehead. He goes into the kitchen to do something. I smell.. Meat? He's cooking?

I slowly get up, leaning against the wall for support. I take small steps, just in case I get dizzy and my headache gets worse. I quietly go into the kitchen. Senku didn't notice me yet.

"Senku-Chan.. What are you doing?"
"Gen! You're supposed to be in bed!" he quickly walks up to me and holds my hands.
"Does it hurt anywhere? Do you need anything?"
"Nono Senku-Chan! I just came here since I smelled meat. I wanted to see what you're doing".

"Alright. In that case how about you sit at the table while I make the food? It'll be easier for me to keep an eye on you". He puts a bottle with pills on the table.
"Take those every 4 hours. It should help with your headache".

I quietly hum a random song while Senku is cooking whatever he is. I then start to cough. And by coughing I mean a LOT of coughing. I put my hand on my mouth. Senku also turns around. I take my hand off my mouth.

...Blood? Senku's eyes widen.
"Gen...?" he quickly stops the oven and drops all of his things. Why is everything...getting blurry? Why can't I see anything? Where is he?

Black. Everything went black. I heard some voices. They were saying something to me. The voices got closer. Senku-Chan? Where am I? I wanted to scream for help, panic took over my body. It was still black.

I feel something touch my arm. It was warm. I start to get my vision back. I was in the observatory..? What was I doing here? My head hurts. I look around and see Senku-Chan with tears is his eyes. Chrome, Kohaku and Suika were also there.

"Senku-Chan... Why am I *cough cough*"
"You fainted.. And you were out for 2 whole days".
Two whole days..? That much? I can't imagine how worried my dear Senku must've been.. I try to get up, but Senku's hand stops me.
"You stay here. Me, Chrome and Suika are going to make you medicine. Apparently you got Ruri's disease.. Are you anemic by any chance Gen?"
"Yeah I am. I'm really low on iron and calcium. I think that's why I fainted".
"That must be it. Kohaku you stay here with Gen".

Senku and the others go to make my medicine while Kohaku comes next to me.
"You know.. Senku really cares about you".
"Huh? I already know that. Senku-Chan is a very kind pers-"
"Not in that way Gen. He cares about you the most. After you fainted at your house, he picked you up and asked for help to carry you here. He was on the verge of bursting out crying. He didn't dare to leave your side".

"Eventually, I got him to talk to me. He was crying so hard. He was afraid he might loose you too. He didn't even leave to eat anything. He stayed here beside you till you woke up".
Oh my.. that's even worse than I imagined... I'm so sorry Senku. I didn't want you to worry about me.
"He was actually blaming himself for not noticing you were sick".
"Kohaku, may I ask you a favor?"

"Of course. What is it?"
"After Senku-Chan, Chrome-kun and Suika-chan come back, do you think you can leave me and Senku-Chan alone for some time?"
"Yes I can do that. I'm guessing you want to talk things out with him".
"Yeah, I don't want him to be worried anymore".

Senku and the others come back with a bottle full of some liquid. He comes and sits next to me. Kohaku whispers something to Chrome and Suika. The three of them leave.

"Gen.. Why didn't you tell me?" once again, he grabs my hands. He's tearing up. It hurts me to see him like this.

"I'm sorry Senku-Chan.. I didn't want to be a burden for you...or anyone from the village. It would just stop you from helping the others..".

"Tch, you're always my top priority Mentalist... You should've told me. I don't want to loose you..". At this point he was crying. Crying real hard.
"Or maybe I should've just noticed you were sick. Maybe if I would have paid more attention to you-"

"No. Senku-Chan please don't blame yourself. It was my choice not yours.. And now I have to take responsibility for it, shouldn't I? Please stop crying, you're making me sad". I gently wipe his tears.

Suddenly he kissed me. After a while, he pulls away and hugs me. I can hear quiet sobs then and now, but that's all.

"Senku-Chan... Everything is going black again.."
"Gen..Gen? GEN!!"

1235 words.
HAHA here's a cliffhanger :)
Idk why I enjoyed making this chapter, ig I simply like the way I structured it. Please don't be disappointed by my ✨horrible✨ angst. I am not experienced in writing and I'm still learning.
See you in the next chapters!

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