Sweet Jealousy🌧️🌠

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In this one-shot, Senku and Gen are already dating!

Gen POV:

Senku-Chan has been spending a lot of time with Kohaku recently.. They're always together when looking for all kinds of materials or even when doing experiments.

I understand Kohaku is basically his bodyguard, but lately he's been ignoring me! He didn't even give me cuddles in 3 days! That's wayyy too long. Something must definitely be going on.

"What is it Gen?"
"You know, we haven't spend time together in a while.. I was thinking today we uhh do something fun!"
"Sorry Gen, I'm going mining with Chrome and Kohaku today. Maybe another time?"

Another time? Kohaku? He didn't fall out of love with me didn't he..? I mean, sure Kohaku is pretty and all that, but..

Senku POV:

Tch. I really hate this plan with all my body and soul. Seeing Gen sad breaks my heart, not to mention I need to spend time with Kohaku. She's crazy scary.

A few days ago Chrome and Kohaku convinced me to do a test in which we'll see if Gen really loves me. The idiot I am, I said yes. Now I need to spend more time than necessary with Kohaku in order to make Gen jealous.

Gen's reactions really break my heart. He always looks sad or down. It doesn't matter if he's drinking Cola or helping old man Kaseki, he always seems to be in a bad mood.

"Chrome.. Aren't we going too far? Gen seems pretty sad lately.."
"It'll be alright! Today is the last day anyway. Now, let's go look for another one of those treasure mountains!"

Gen POV:

He's definitely going to leave me. Was I not good enough? Did I annoy him? Am I not attractive? Did I not give him enough love and attention?

All those thoughts kept going in and out of my head. I surely did something wrong.. I guess I'll just help Kaseki repair his "adorable" Steam Gorilla.

While trying to help Kaseki all kinds of questions came to my head. Was Senku-Chan cheating on me? No, he's not the kind of guy to do that. What is it then?

"Hey Kaseki, do you know why Senku-Chan and Kohaku have been so busy lately?"
"I heard that we're going to need a lot more materials for whatever Senku wants to make, so I'm guessing they're looking for them".
"Ah, alright. Thank you for telling me that".

The information didn't really help, but oh well I'll just ask Senku when he gets back. After all, it's better to just straight up ask him!

*timeskip to night-time*

Senku POV:

"Senku!" it was Chrome.
"What is it?"
"Gen wants to meet you in the laboratory. He wants to talk to you privately". What does Gen want to talk about? I guess I'll have to go find out.
"Alright, thanks for telling me Chrome".

I basically run to the observatory. I enter mine and Gens shared room. He's looking at the stars. Such a beautiful view..

"Oh Senku-Chan! You're here!"
"Yeah, Chrome told me you wanted to talk."
"Yeah.." he looked kind of upset. Maybe uncomfortable?
"Listen Senku-Chan.. Lately you have been ignoring me and you're always busy doing other stuff".
"Wasn't I busy before as well?". Such a dumb question Senku.

"Yes, but what's bothering is that you don't even spend time with me anymore. You're always with Kohaku!" so thats what it's about huh..

"You seem so close to her.. I understand she's pretty and all, but am I not good enough? Am I not as pretty or kind as her?"
"Gen, what are you-"
"Senku-Chan, please be honest.. Did you fall out of love with me? Do you like Kohaku-Chan?"

My heart felt like it was stung with millions of needles. Gen was crying. It was breaking me to see him like that. But after all, I understand why he feels like that. That plan was stupid as shit, I shouldn't have done it.

"No Gen. I only love you. I'm really sorry for making you feel that way. It's just that Chrome and Kohaku dared me to do something.."
"Huh? What do you mean?"
"They decided to kind of make me ignore you to see if you truly love me or something like that. I shouldn't have accepted it, Sorry..."

"Senku-Chan.." he teared up again "You made me think I'm not good enough for you! Why did you have to accept that stupid plan! I was so worried our relationship would end, I almost felt sick!"

I walked up to him and took him in my arms. "I'm really sorry Gen, I didn't know it would go this far".

He suddenly kissed me.
"Senku-Chan.. Promise me you won't leave me".
"Of course Mentalist. After all, you're the only person I have ever been in love with. How can I make it up to you?"

"To start off we're going to be sleeping in the same bed. Winter is coming and I think it's a double win: cuddles and warmth!"
"Haha alright. What's next?"
"Hmm.. Oh I know! How about we go on a date!"
"What? Where could we possibly go?"

"We can go see shooting stars or something".
"You mean comets?"
"Shooting stars, comets, same thing".
I giggle. I'm glad he's better now.

"Since it's night time, I'm guessing you want to sleep together".
"Yep! And no one shall interrupt us!"

We got in bed and hugged each other. I gave Gen a kiss on the forehead, before heading off to sleep.

935 words
Hey there! Happy to see you again. Honestly I kinda suck at writing angst, but this was my first try and I'm proud of how it turned out. Stay tuned for the next chapters!

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