Chapter 5: Wait, Lets Take This Back a Bit.

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Slowly, Heather pushed herself up into a sitting position and scanned the new room. God, how many times were they going to drug her just so they could put her in a different prison? She was now surrounded by a blinding white which covered every solid surface expect her. As before, there were no windows, but there was a door. This time though, the room looked like a mental isolation room, so, like before, the door couldn't be opened from this side.

A moan caused her to turn around. Tyler put his hand to his head and sat up, squinting his eyes from the brightness.

"Ugh. Where are we?"

"A white, cushioned room which would stop us from harming ourselves too much if we tried to escape." She replied cheerily.

He blinked and glanced around. "Well, you weren't wrong about the white part." He mumbled blearily.

She nodded and crawled over to a wall, where she sat with her back against its smooth surface.Closing her eyes, she sighed briefly, trying to remember what was going to come next. Where she had just been. Anything at all. But her memory refused to come out of its foggy state and she couldn't recall a thing.

"Uh... Could I ask you something?" Heather lifted her eyelids just enough to look at Tyler, who stared at her expectantly.

"Shoot away."

"Well... Why the hell are we here?" His voice was on the edge of paniced and frantic, yet his eyes looked calmer.

She thought for a moment, trying to form an answer that wouldn't shock him too much.

"For starters, you wouldn't have been kidnapped if you had just been even the slightest bit  smart and stayed out of this." She paused, ignoring Tyler's hurt expression. "But it's kinda hard to explain, really. Have you ever heard of vampires?"

He almost chuckled, despite the situation. "Who hasn't?"

"Do you think they're real?"

Well..." He wavered for a moment, considering what they had been through. Obviously, she was trying to get at something.

"Not really. I mean, I don't think so."

She shook her head, a humorless and cold smile on her face. "Not after being kidnapped by people who seem stronger than usual, thrown in a prison with that girl who could fight like crazy yet heal faster than anything you've ever seen, and realizing that everything we're doing is just a test?"

His vivid eyes became alight with shock when he realized what she had just said. "So they are real?" He said, his voice no more than a small whisper.

She looked at him, her eyes boring holes into his. "Very."

Glancing down at his hands, Tyler tried to take everything in. Vampires? Real, living vampires? Not those stupid characters from the books or movies, like Twilight?

"So... Do they, like, have special powers or something?"

Heather rolled her eyes. "What do you think, genius? Of course they do. They have a lot. But, to make things simple, I'll only give you the basic ones. As far as I know, they can travel at speeds faster than a cheetah, lift weights up to 16 times their body weight, and heal major wounds in minutes. If not seconds. Some of them, though, have different ones, like flying or being able to control people's minds."

He thought about it all for a moment. "So they really are immortal?"

"For the most part, yes. But they can be killed with silver and wooden stakes, like the myth says. But don't even think about garlic; it has no effect on them. It would be like giving someone Brussels sprouts. They may not like it, but it won't stop them from killing you."

He searched his brain for other myths. "But what about the light thing?"

She took in a deep breath. "Sunlight won't kill them, either. And they don't sparkle. They just like the darkness better since it's harder for most mortals to see if they're being followed."

"Why don't people know about them? I mean, if a lot people were randomly dieing with bite marks on their necks, you would think someone would make the connection." Tyler seemed to ask the question desperately, as if he was trying to find a way out of all the superiority towards vampires.

"That's the thing. As far as I know, they don't need to drink blood very often. It's more like eating a snack than having a full-blown meal. " She looked away for a moment, deep in thought. "I mean, no one really thought a bunch of them still existed since the Civil War, which is when we found their hiding place and killed a lot of them. But, somehow, they've managed to regroup and make their ranks unnoticeable." 

There was a couple seconds of silence between them as they both realized how hopeless things looked. For all they knew, the next thing those dark creatures were going to do was take over the entire world.

After a couple minutes, after Tyler had regarded Heather carefully, he asked one last question. "But why do they want you? Why didn't they just kill you."

She glimpsed at him, and for the first time, he noticed how sad and alone she looked underneath her cold blue eyes.

"I used to kill them for a living." She replied quietly. "I guess you would call me a vampire hunter. And... what better way to get revenge... than to make your worst enemy... your slave."

She almost appeared to be sinking into the wall and Tyler felt a little sorry for her. He could tell something horrific had caused her to be the person she is, and if you looked past the sarcastic remarks and harsh looks, he could see a teenage girl who just wanted to escape from her feelings. Who just wanted to be left alone.

Suddenly, a small "clink" caused them to look towards a wall.

A food tray, which looked as though it had come from no where, now sat on the floor, filled with the food they hadn't had in several days.

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