International heroes

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Stars and Stripes = Nine
Elecplant = L.A villain- blue. Can become a powerful blue creature.
Salaam = Chimera (He is a monster with a snake tale,talon in the place of his hand and a foot on one side and the rest of his body is a blue werewolf. He can increase in size,and has fire breath which can become basically a hyper beam from Pokémon,plus tons of stamina)
Pankration = Rogone (can become a huge and very powerful being capable of crushing bedrock with iron club arms)
Cow Lady = Cow Cowboy
Clair Voyance = Eiji (turtle that spins like crazy,cutting through things)
Christopher Skyline = Winged Nomu (unnomed,he is a man with wings who can fly)
Nyikang (can body swap by building up soul energy and then throwing it into someone)= Joi Irinaka
Big Red Dot = Leviathan (can create powerful water in red appendages that can blast through things like a drill and cover a wide area)

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