Chapter 20: Mistake

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After Achillean's bombshell after they discover just what forced him side with the Songbreaker, Thalleous is not taking chances and makes to eliminate the threat before it inevitably destroys Ardonia. Achillean has the same idea

However, Yvana believes that there is still good in the Songbreaker and yearns to draw it out. If only the Songbreaker felt like that...

In her valiant attempt to stop the destruction of the Aggressium Prime Song, Yvana makes one mistake - one that she cannot take back so easily

Author's note: Did I mean for there to be almost a two-month gap between chapters? no I did not. have I been sat on these chapters for a while? yes. did I keep forgetting to upload them? also yes XD

but they're here. it's finished. I am just waiting on my beta to read the final one before it shortly gets uploaded after this one and then you will have your long-awaited answers... maybe XD

also this chapter was supposed to be like a joint fight scene and it was supposed to be epic, but it didn't really turn out that way because that was well above my skill set; so we have this slightly watered-down version. I hope it's still effective in telling what I need it to...


"You lost all credibility when you sided with this monster, Achillean; if you side with her, then you will not be spared, mark my words, Nestoris." Thalleous' words spat fire as he gripped his sword by his side and eyed Achillean with enough intensity to shake the ground beneath their feet.

Even after learning everything that had come to be of the former Tidesinger, from the Great War and accidentally killing the Deathsinger, who turned out to be his 'brother,' to recent years amongst the Songbreaker's uprising and his part to play in the destruction of, not just the Songs of the innocents, but the Ardoni themselves, neither Thalleous nor Yvana could believe for one minute that Achillean would be willing to see Ardonia destroyed for the sake of a Prime Song – not after what everyone present had already lost up until this point.

Proxina had lost her sanity and her voice. Yvana had lost her family. Thalleous had lost his brother. Achillean had lost almost all of the above. Each and every one of them had something to lose in this game and they had all suffered greatly in their endeavour to save it all, only for it all to come to the precipice, dangling dangerously off the edge of a cliff, merely waiting for a gentle push over the pinnacle and to come crashing down in a fiery wreck. Destroying themselves to save Ardonia was not their goal, but it had gotten them this far – this close.

And they may just lose it all anyway.

"Thal, no!" Yvana interjected. "Proxina is not a monster. I know her-"

"Do not go there, Yva. You do not know her anymore. Look at her and tell me that this is the girl that you grew up with. Tell me that this is what you would call a friend. Go on. Friend or foe, Yva?"

Yvana couldn't ease up knowing that Thalleous was seething with enough rage to spark a war, but the spiteful tone that he took with her shook her to her core, and she became most uncomfortable by it, almost wanting to spite the Sendaris in return. She knew better than that. There were more pressing matters to focus on.

"Zina," Yvana whispered, edging closer to the once Kaltaris, "let Achillean go, and give me the Prime Song... We can find a way out of this, I promise..." She gulped as her hand trembled beside her axe, just in case.

[No, no,] Proxina gestured. [Let them think I am monster. I not stop them this time. World needs someone to hate. I volunteer]

She didn't believe that she would need it, but with the most powerful Prime Song in the hands of the destroyer, she couldn't take the chance. She didn't become the Kaltaris champion by being careful.

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