Shawn Bolt the Mighty

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"Is that the beast?" Asked the elven tailed warrior.

"Yes, it is Shawn." Answered the non-tailed magical elf.

"Do you truly think I'm capable?" Shawn asked.

"You will need to be for this plan to work." Shadow nodded, "You need to kill it and eat it's heart to enhance your elven strength."

"Won't it awaken my darkness?"

Shadow smiled, green mist flowing from his eyes, "You'll need that too."

Shawn stepped from out the foliage. The Tailed Elf wore a black pauldron with green straps, black fit baggy pants of cloth, and black boots made from animal hide. The elf's opponent was a beast of ten feet in height, white shaggy hair, teeth bathed in gore, and its eyes were large and black. Shawn Bolt looked past the beast and stared at the sky with the light of the triple full moons. Shawn was equipped with two daggers, a bow, and several dozen arrows; it was all the elf needed.

The beast spotting the elf let out a roar and threw out a massive right claw. Shawn backflipped, cutting the incoming claw with his blades. The beast roared and Shawn landed on his feet and leaped forward, crossing his blades into the chest of the beast. The monster flailed its claws at Shawn but the boy easily moved with his flips, bypassing any contact. In half of a breath, Shawn had a bow and arrow in hand. The young elven boy pulled back and let the arrow transmute into a projectile of light, shooting the beast straight through its chest. The monster staggered and blood poured.

Shawn began to hesitate. Why was he killing this beast, for power? What was the power for? How could it help? What did it mean? If he failed Tailed Elves would always be looked on as second-class citizens. Shawn was tired of being fodder, this could be the first step. Then he and the princess could be together.

With a new resolution, Shawn sprinted toward the wounded beast and thrust his daggers into the monster's heart. The monster roared through the pain, its hands in the air for surrender, but Shawn screwed his daggers deeper into its body. The beast cried in pain and Shawn kept grinding his blades into the depth of the beast's flesh. Eventually, the monster fell. Shawn stood painting on its chest and sweat dripping from his face.

"Do it." Shadow said, creeping from the leaves of the forest.

Shawn looked at the Warlock and nodded. Using both daggers, the Tailed Elf carved the pulsating heart from out the beast and stuck his tiny fangs into moving flesh. Shawn tore into the flesh and washed it down with the blood of the creature. That day Shawn Bolt became the Dark Knight of the Warlock. 

A Black Shonen Story: BeginningsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora