I could see the knowing nod through the phone and exchanged "I love you's" before hanging up.

I was about to open my mouth and ask Adrien what our plans were, but before I could get out any words, I was cut off by a loud, familiar voice shrieking "Mari! Marinette Dupain-Cheng!" from across the street.

I turned and saw Alya huffing and puffing her way across the street in attempts to most likely not get hit by a car and she did not look the slightest bit happy.

"There you are," She huffed, holding her hands on her knees, attempting to catch her breath. "I went to your house but you weren't there, obviously. Are we not studying together today?"

I glanced shiftily over at Adrien and saw him giving Alya a rather put out look. "No. I can't," I answered, as sweetly as possible. "Adrien and I have plans."

All of the color immediately drained from her face as she looked over at Adrien and saw the stern expression on his face. "Oh? Really." She said in petty shaky voice, not able to look away from Adrien.

"Really, really," Adrien said brightly, patting the top of my head as If I were his dog. Wow.

"Cool, cool, cool." She finally managed to say, swallowing hard. "Have fun."

I turned back to Adrien and saw him actually smiling for once, looking amused, but not exactly happy.

"What?" I said self consciously.

"Poor Nino." He said while walking and standing by the open car door of his. I pulled my eyebrows together in frustration and climbed into the car.

"Where are we going?" I asked him as we started down the roads of Paris.

"Don't speak, just be patient." Was his sweet and generous answer. Not

I bit back a sarcastic remark and kept my mouth shut, going along with what he said. Not that I wanted to or anything.

I hope he knew that you have to speak to people you hung out with.

When the car had finally pulled into the driveway of a redbrick house, Adrien let out what sounded like a sigh of relief and climbed out of the car before anyone could say anything.

I followed quickly after and Adrien wrenched open the screen front door, having me lunge forward and catch it as he marched inside before it flew shut.

What a gentleman.

I followed after him with a somewhat disgruntled look on my face, but the second I stepped into the living room I had followed him into, I had to stop and stare around in amazement.

The place was beautiful. There were two matching sets of brown leather couches, matching the wooden walls and gorgeous paintings hung. The entire place smelt like some sort of pumpkin spice and had a couple of old easy chairs seated around a large bricked fireplace filled with wooden logs.

"Who lives here again?" I asked Adrien in a kind of breathless voice.

"My grandmother lives here." He answered in a dull voice. He clearly wasn't happy we were hanging out.

"Anyone else? This place looks a little big for just a person or two."

Adrien turned his head from looking at the ceiling and pointed toward a photo on the wall, hanging beside a small tv. The photo was of a man and a woman smiling in a tuxedo and a matching dress, both with brunette hair.

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