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I was my mom first child to live my mom had 6 kids she lost 3 and kept 3

I been spoiled all my life and I'm still I'm to this very day

My birthday parties as kids waz crazy I had clowns,Elmo,blue clues,you name it I had it

I even remember having half my birthday gifts as Christmas gifts because that just how many toys I had

My mom didn't have to buy me new clothes for at least 6 months

I waz only child for 7 years

My dad waz in n out of jail when I born he had 2 kids b4 he married my mom but I'll get into that later

Anyway  growing up waz da best part of my life I had my first phone when I was 2 years old My grandpa give me car at da age of 5 n I still have the car to this very day

Whatever I wanted I got it  I remember one Christmas I wanted a amazing Amanda doll and my grandpa find me one for $100 I took that doll every where I went  I even had a little purple blanket to match her outfit

I didn't really have friends growing up because at a very young age I was dyslexia  and I'm also on the lower end on the scale of autism  people would always ask me what was wrong with me or why walk the way I do

I been bullied my whole life by family members people I through where my friends
I waz bullied in Elementary school because of how I looked and because I had to wear hearing aid

Now I would most definitely go into more detail bout this more in the next chapter cause this is bout to be beyond emotional and I'm need y'all to bear with me

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