Chapter Two- Erin

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I wish I was sat with Alex and her friends right now. Annika insisted that I sit with her friends at lunch and I just didn't know how to say no to her, so here I am sitting on a cramped picnic table. One of the guys, I think his name is Shaun, is sitting on the actual table opposite me showing his muscles off to the girl sitting next to him.Her name is Rhoda with piercing pale blue eyes and dark brown hair.Next to Rhoda is Kailee olive skinned with matching dark brown hair and hazel eyes. The guy at the end of the table is Anthony; he seems to be distant from the world staring off into the distance. I follow his eyes behind me to see Alex and her friends sitting on the steps.I wonder why he's looking at them.

Someone pokes me on the arm making me lose my train of thought.

"Sorry did I make you jump?" Annika questions as I turn around to see who poked me.

"No I was just daydreaming," I ask searching for my lunch in my bag.

"Well I was wondering, seeing as its Abigayle's birthday soon..."Annika gets cut off by the girl sitting next to her, which I assume is Abigayle.

"It's actually a month away, but Kailee wants an excuse to throw a party at her house," she gives Kailee a little glare opposite her, which Kailee just returns her glare with a playful smile. "Anyways,you're invited if you want to come along," Annika adds ignoring Kailee and Abigayle's stare off. "I'm not really a party person," I lie as I know my parents wouldn't let me go to a house party even if it was for someone's birthday.

"Oh come on! It will be fun!" Annika nudges me lightly with her elbow.

"Leave the girl alone Annika. If she doesn't want to go then that's her decision," the guy opposite me speaks up before I could speak for myself.

"Alright!Don't get your knickers in a twist!" Annika replies putting her hands up in surrender.

As the conversation changes I look back over to Anthony and I notice that he is still looking over in Alex's direction, but this time he is frowning and gripping the table so tightly that his knuckles have gone white. I look back over at Alex and her friends. A dark skinned guy has got Alex in a headlock and is messing up her dark red hair with his knuckle. Just as the guy thinks he's won Alex knees him in the stomach and manages to break free of his grasp. With a huge grin on her face she gets in a fighting stance and brings her fists up near her face. One of her friends with long white hair is cheering her on. The dark skinned guy recovers and tries to rugby tackle Alex,but she dodges out the way and trips him up with her leg making him fall on his front.

"I despise that girl," Annika says in a disgusted tone.

"Whys that?" I question not really understanding how anyone could hate her when she was so kind to me in art this morning.

"She's a total bitch and I wouldn't mind if she took a long walk off a short pier," Annika states making me a little sick inside. I turn my head to see the rest of the girls nodding their heads in agreement.

"Don't talk about her like that," Anthony speaks up in a threatening voice.

"Why not?" Annika barks back making me feel uneasy.

"She's ten times nicer than the lot of you!" Anthony hisses back at Annika.

I slowly start to move nearer to the edge of the bench making room for me to swing my legs over for me to escape.

"Yeah'cause dumping your arse was totally nice," Annika replies flatly.

Just as I'm lifting my second leg over the bench Anthony slams his fists into the table making me lose my balance. As a result I end up falling sideways, stretching one hand out to stop myself from crashing into the floor. Most of the people at the table gasp but then resume arguing as though my fall was nothing. I have a feeling that Annika has hit a nerve as everyone starts shouting at each other.

I slowly get up and collect my things not wanting to get involved in their business and sling my backpack over my shoulder. As I take in my surroundings I realise that not many people are bothered about the shouting match that is happening behind me. Most people on the other picnic tables are too involved in their own conversations to notice or it just happens so often that people just ignore them now.

I make my way back inside wanting to get away from all the commotion and not really knowing where I'm heading. The long plain corridors make me feel like I'm underground with the lack of lighting, dull colours and echoing footsteps. I turn right to be faced with a dead end so I turn around to head in a different direction, but end up bumping into something hard making me lose my balance and fall to the ground again.

"Oh!I...urm...I'm sorry I didn't realise you were gonna turn around,"I look up to see Alex putting her hand out for me as she stutters on her words.

"It's fine! It's my fault for not having good balance," I let out a little laugh to make things less awkward, which gets me a small smile in return as she helps me up.

"I just wanted to check if you were alright as I saw you fall off the bench back there," she asks in a concerned tone, which makes me wonder how people can hate her so badly.

"I'm fine thank you," I reply giving her another smile. I look down towards the floor and notice for the first time my hand is all gross and muddy from falling onto the damp grass. Annika showed me where all the toilets were earlier today, but for the life of me I couldn't remember where they all were. I continue to examine my hand until Alex finally speaks again.

"I can show you where the toilets are if you want to clean up?" she says reading my thoughts. I give her a small smile and nod.

It turns out that I wasn't that far away from one of the girls'toilets. Alex told me that when she first came here she use to get lost all the time as the all the corridors look the same. I could imagine a little Alex with her hair back in a tight ponytail wondering around the school with her heavy bag full of books and stationary.

The toilets are worse than the corridors. It's orange. Not that nice orange you see when the sun is setting, but I bright sickly orange matched with custard yellow cubicles. I don't think this school is good with their colour coordination. To add to the colours the sinks have been decorated in make-up, so I go for the one with less foundation on it.

"I don't tend to use the toilets here unless I'm desperate," Alex says filling the silence whilst I clean my hands.

" you mind if I ask you a question?" Alex hesitates as she leans against the wall next to the disabled cubicle.

"Sure.Ask away," I reply with a smile whilst I get some toilet roll to clean my hands.

"Why did you draw me earlier in art?" she questions whilst frowning at the floor.

Her question takes me by surprise at first, but then I remember the cartoon that I drew in art this morning.

 "I like to draw cartoons and I was intrigued to see how your one would turn out. You can have the drawing if you want," I reply slipping my bag off my shoulder to search for the sketch. I hold it out for Alex to take, but she just looks stunned at it, so I grab her hand and place the little sketch in it to keep. When I look up at her she has a huge grin on her face and it's the first time I've seen her genuinely happy.

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