The Night Out.

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i was in the cafeteria, wondering what i should do.
I shouldn't ghost her, cause thats rude..
I have to go.
The bell rang, and i finally finished the school day.
I was out of the school when i saw Kaede and Himiko, Himiko had gave her some weird pink liquid in what looked like a potion jar... weird...
Kaede thanked her and ran off happily.
Whats up with her now? I thought.
Once i got home and jumped onto my bed and was checking Tiktok.
I got a message from Kaede.
Kaede: Come at 7:30 P.M !! :)
Shuichi: Okay! Can't wait for it.
I turned off my phone and changed into a more formal outfit.
It was 6:47, and i was ready to go.

I put on a knit sweater and some jeans.
"I'm happy my parents left the house clean! At least it won't look messy.."
The door rang, and Kaede ran downstairs.
She opened the door.

"Hello Shuichi!"
"Hi Kaede."
I pulled him inside and closed the door.
"Gah-!" Shuichi stumbled a bit.
"Sorry- its cold outside and i didn't want that pretty face of yours to freeze~!" I giggled, helping him up.
"Stop that!!" He looked at me angrily.
He blushed at my comment.
"Anywaysss, should we go up to my room?" I asked him.
He nodded. We went upstairs and sat on the bed.
"Your room is.. nice- err, may i ask what that pink liquid in that bottle is on your dresser?" He pointed at the love potion Himiko made.

"Thats a soda from her home- she said you might like it! You should try it!! :)" i smiled at him.
"Ah, okay." Shuichi got up and reached for the love potion and drank it.
Finally!! I thought.

Once i drank the pink soda my vision got blurry, i was dizzy.. i passed out on Kaede's bed.
What was that....?

Shuichi fell onto my lap, i looked away- flustered of course...
"G- Gee, i hope i didn't kill you-.."

The room fell into silence. Briefly interrupted by Shuichi's slow-paced relaxed breaths.
After about 5 mins, Shuichi woke up.
Kaede had sat down at her desk. She had been doing homework, not realizing the detective woke from his sleep.
Shuichi got up and went to Kaede. And hugged her from behind. And kissing her cheek.
"Hi sweetheart.." he whispering in her ear.
Kaede's face was beet-red.
"H- Hi Sh- Sweetheart!" She kissed Shuichi back.
Kaede stopped working on her homework and turned towards Shuichi.
"Umm,, wanna watch Danganronpa with me Shu?"
"I'd love too!" He lend out his hand to Kaede, (she obviously took it.) and led her to the bed, they sat down on the bed together, still holding hands- while Shuichi put on danganronpa.

"Your favourite character is Kyoko, correct?" She asked him.
"Mhm, who's your favourite character?" He asked her.
"Urm.. probably Sayaka!" Kaede looked at Shuichi.
"Thats cool, shes a great character." He smiled at Kaede, also making eye contact with her.

As it got later Kaede got tired, resting her head on Shuichi's shoulder.
"Goodnight Sweetheart." He softly whispered to her.
Kaede smiled.

(Hey! I was wondering if i should make a oneshots book too-! I'd still continue this one of course but i've always wanted to write about different ships- and i think it would help me improve. Do you guys want me to do this?)
also thank me for feeding you guys sm saimatsu 😒 /j

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