"Your idiot sister can ruin everything even from hundreds of miles away." Hope grunted and Lizzie sat up in her bed, while Landon got up and headed to the bathroom.

"What did she do?" Lizzie asked curiously.

"She brought Landon back... " Hope replied as she started to get angry and Lizzie turned to Hope with a confused expression. "She brought him back as a fail safe. So they could kill me without any guilt. If Landon would fail to bring my humanity back, then nothing would and it would justify their actions. Plus Josie wanted to use Landon to get to me."

"They can't kill you, Hope. It's impossible and even if it was possible Josie would do anything to avoid that. You know her, she is not like me." Lizzie replied rather calmly and Hope looked into her eyes. Was she still in some kind of shock? She was right, she wasn't like Josie, Lizzie was the one who wanted to avenge their father more than anything. What the hell happened to her? Now that her humanity was on again, surely she was even more vengeful towards Hope... but it honestly didn't feel like she was.

"According to Landon they had a weapon which he destroyed." Hope shrugged. "And I'm sure Josie is not fond of me after I kinda destroyed your whole family." Hope had a dry laugh. "Which I was so desperate to be a part of when I was younger."

"I'm sorry." Lizzie said quietly, staring at the wall, not making eye contact with Hope. Hope wasn't sure if Lizzie was even talking to her. Hope should be the one apologizing, if she would feel some kind of remorse... but she did not. Hope stared at Lizzie intensely, she had no idea what to say to that. Why the hell would she apologize? But Lizzie wouldn't look at Hope.

Landon stepped out of the bathroom after he finished with his morning shower and he surely sensed some kind of tension in the bedroom.

"Hey, I can go grab some breakfast for everyone." He said and walked by his bedside table to pick up his wallet. "Any preference?" Landon asked and Lizzie just shook her head, but Hope didn't fail to notice her eyes shining with tears.

"Pancakes." Hope said with half a smile and Landon nodded with a chuckle before he kissed the top of her head. Hope gave him a genuine smile before he left the hotel room. The room was silent, only Lizzie's heavy breathing could be heard as she tried to hold back her tears. Hope laid back on her pillow, and didn't know what to say to her. She knew that turning the humanity switch on could be overwhelming, but she had no idea what went on in Lizzie's mind. It was so much easier to understand her when they only cared about partying and feeding. Eventually Hope got bored of the silence and became impatient about Lizzie. She should be either furious with Hope or she should just leave. Anything else didn't make sense.

"Why did you say that?" Hope asked as she sat up on her bed facing towards Lizzie. She was referring to what Lizzie said before Landon interrupted them. Lizzie turned to Hope with teary eyes and a confused look.

"I didn't say anything."

"You apologized... why?" Hope asked curiously. Lizzie just shrugged at first, then she sighed loudly and wiped her tears with her sleeve.

"We... I never understood you. You know I tried when I was little, I tried to be friends with you and I should've tried harder... but instead I kept bullying you. So, I'm sorry for that." Lizzie explained and Hope just laughed at her.

"What, you think I turned out to be this way because you and your sister bullied me in school?" She kept laughing but Lizzie looked at her dead serious.

"You know how jealous I was? You always had my dad's attention. You were always better in his eyes. The perfect Hope Mikaelson. He never even punished you when you screwed up. I thought he just loved you more than his own daughters. He would always have an eye on you..."

Never Giving Up Hopeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن