Chapter 7

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Hope woke to Landon struggling next to her. He had his eyes closed, still sleeping, but he was sweating and breathing erratically. Hope knew he was having a nightmare and first she tried to wake him gently, caressing his face, but when it didn't work, she placed her hands on his shoulders and shook him awake. Landon's eyes flew open and Hope saw fear in his eyes. His look started to soften as he realized where he was and who he was with. Hope brushed away his curly locks from his sweaty forehead.

"It was just a nightmare, you are okay." Hope tried to comfort him. Landon nodded and hugged Hope tightly, pulling her as close to his body as he could. Hope eased into his body and placed her right hand on his rapidly beating heart. "Was it Malivore again?" Hope asked in a whisper.

"Yeah... it's like all of those memories I had to spend in his prison mind are coming back in my dreams. And not just my memories, but as if I could see all of his thoughts and his memories too." Landon explained.

"You two shared a mind so it's not surprising you are starting to remember all of his thoughts. You wanna tell me about it?" Hope asked and she genuinely wanted to know what he went through.

"My dream starts with the prison world and the way Malivore got to me." Landon sighed and he tightened his hold on Hope. "He sent all his monsters after me... I hid at first. I hid in the school and tried to research about prison worlds and how to escape. But I obviously failed and the monsters eventually found me. God, I wished every moment that you would show up and get me out somehow." Hope found Landon's hand and squeezed it, then she laced her fingers through his.

"I wanted to come get you. The moment I found out you were alive... but the twins didn't want to help me and even after I forced them to help, Cleo deceived me with the stupid fake Landon... but anyway it was already too late. Malivore already took over you at that point." Hope propped herself up on her elbows to look into his eyes. "I'm sorry I didn't save you." She apologized and she could feel her sincerity... Hope grabbed Landon's wrist quickly. She looked away from his eyes and squeezed his wrist, trying to push down those feelings that made her feel this way. When the feeling finally disappeared, she pulled away from Landon's hold and laid next to him, without touching him. Landon didn't say anything to her sudden change, it was like he knew how much she was struggling... but he continued his story anyway.

"I never expected you to come for me... so please don't apologize for something you couldn't have known. Anyway... the monsters kept coming and I tried my best to fight them. For me months passed by and I killed many monsters but so many got the better half of me and I knew that one day I just won't be strong enough to fight back or escape. After a long time I was weak and wounded and I knew my end was close. I knew I couldn't fight another monster. And that's when he came... when I was the weakest. He waited for just a perfect moment when he could take me with ease. I still tried to fight him, I didn't give up... but he was stronger and he consumed me. Then came the darkness and I knew there was no way out."

"What about his thoughts?" Hope asked curiously, turning to her side to look at him.

"His thoughts are insane and terrifying. He wanted to consume everything that was alive... and destroy you in the process. Details about his memories are kinda fuzzy but you were on his mind constantly. He was truly afraid of you."

"Reasonably... I ended him. And you." Hope turned to her back again, avoiding his eyes and her own possible feelings that his eyes full of emotions could trigger.

"It was the right thing to do. The only thing to do. I will never hold you responsible for my death... and I'm back again, thanks to Josie." Landon added with a chuckle.

"Ugh... thanks to Josie who waited a full year to open the Necromancer's grimoire and get you back from the dead." Hope added bitterly.

"What about Josie?" Lizzie spoke with a yawn in a tired voice as she was still half asleep. Hope almost forgot she was in the room with them.

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