Chapter 3: A clutch and a box

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The room is foggy, enough to blur my vision of almost everything. If the item ahead of me wasn't glowing and calling me towards it with soft whispers, I'd probably miss it. However, I'm drawn to it by a force I can't explain.

It only takes four steps to reach it, and I run my fingers along the brown box. At my touch, the box opens, and I watch as things, as tiny and as fast as flies, swarm out.

I shake my body, swatting my hand in every direction to get these bug-like creatures away from me. I try to run away, but something throws me into the box.

The creatures return and surround me as the box is slammed shut. I scream, banging against the item as if I can break it open.

I see a small whole, so tiny that I'm only able to peek through it. Outside, the fog has cleared up.

Legs block my view, and if it wasn't so cramped, my whole body would jump back. Finding courage, I bring my eyes closer to the whole, too shocked to speak when I recognise the face on the other side; me.

I wake up, and it takes a while for my breathing to become steady. After all these months, I'm not used to this. I still get a fright after dreaming the same dream for a year. It's strange, really, but it also makes me happy to know they're still here.

Grandad always said I was special; that I was destined to do great things. He wasn't sure, but he thought the dream meant I hold the power to send evils out of Vessels and back into Pandora's box. He thought it was a message from the gods. It's probably why I'm so sure of this journey as well.

Looking at the watch, I hurry out of bed, groaning when my toe hits the nightstand, but I make sure to suffer in silence to avoid attracting attention from anyone in the other rooms, especially Nova. She'll definitely want to check in on me. Nova's in the room right next to mine, and the walls are thin enough for her to hear almost every sound I make.

I don't bother switching on my lights while I quietly slip on my fluffy, yellow slippers. When looking at the time on my watch and seeing that I'm supposed to be in the basement in five minutes, I decide it's best I don't change; my orange nightwear will have to do.

It takes three steps for me to reach my closet, and I begin throwing random clothes into a green bag I left near it.

"I'm screwed," I whisper, thinking about how I have nothing but clothes to take on my journey, seeing as Ms Chan is apparently after my life. Hopefully, Daphne will be able to help with that issue. Anyone would need money to survive.

Once I reach the door, I open it slowly and silently curse when it squeaks. However, when it seems like no one has noticed me, I make my way down the staircase. Luckily, the basement is only two levels away from my room, so I won't be too late to meet Daphne.

I stop in my tracks when I hear a cough, slowly turning around to see if I've been caught. When I see no one around me, I continue towards the basement.

Reaching the basement level, I speed walk towards the dirty, red door and push it open before hurrying in.

"Ah—" A hand goes over my mouth to muffle my scream.

"It's only me, Amora," Daphne whispers.

She switches on the light, allowing me to see her clearly. She, too, is in nightwear, but hers is white and made of silk. Pointing at the watch on her wrist, she tilts her head, and after looking down at the watch on my hand, she sighs.

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