1. Dead Aether AU

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It was just a normal day for Xiao at the Wangshu inn. He sighed leaning onto the railing and looking into the sky. He walked downstairs to the main area to see many people in despair.

"I heard the Traveler took on the electro archon head on.."

"When will the Traveler be back..?"

"The Traveler isn't coming back, the Electro archon obliterated him."

What..? Xiao listened to the people speaking all about the Traveler. He walked over to a group of about 3-4 people.

"Excuse me?" Xiao asked in the nicest way he could, trying to get their attention.

"An Adeptus!" They all were shook and Xiao just coughed, signalling that he doesn't need that sort of attention.

"What do you mean the traveler is not coming back?" He asked, keeping all that calm but in reality, he was not calm at all.

"You haven't heard...? It's been all around Liyue.." one of them spoke, looking down with almost tears in their eyes.

Xiao looked at all of them, still wanting an answer. "The Raiden Shogun killed the Traveler..." another one of them said.

No...These are just some rumours someone started. Xiao thought, sighing and walking out of Wangshu inn and back to some mountain where he could relax.

A world without the traveler... imagine that.
Xiao thought to himself again, not being able to get it off his mind.

"XIAO!" A familiar voice was behind him as he turned around to see Paimon. Xiao knew something was wrong when Aether wasn't there with Paimon.

"It isn't true.. right? Where is Aether?" Xiao asked, staring at Paimon with a serious look. Paimon looked down, like the world had just reached its end.

Paimon stayed silent the whole time with a broken heart. Xiao waited for an answer and grew impatient. "Answer me.. where is he?" He asked again, standing with curiosity and hope that the rumours weren't true.

"The Shogun killed him.."

Xiao stood there, feeling his heart shatter. The only light he ever had in his life was now gone. Done and dusted.

Xiao knew that everyone that is mortal dies one day. He just couldn't handle the fact that Aether had a dream and saved everyone but couldn't save himself.

"Why didn't he call my name..?" Xiao whispered to himself, collapsing to the ground.

"He wanted me to tell you that he was glad to have you by his side and that he asks for you to protect Liyue with all your heart and soul."

Paimon spoke then flew away, Xiao held onto his hands trying not to let any tears for but he was really broken.

6 years later

"Sir Xiao!" A girl came running into the building. "What is it? I am busy here." Xiao responded, sitting at his desk, admiring a picture.

"Ahh, I am sorry sir but somebody is here to visit you.." The girl said, opening a door as a familiar person walked in and the girl left.

"Hello." She smiled at Xiao, knowing exactly who he was and Xiao knew too. "You're his twin..?" Xiao's eyes widened at the sight. She was no longer the leader of the abyss, her brother's death had changed her.

Xiao dropped his pen on the floor as this was the last memory of Aether he had. They looked so alike.

"Yeah I am. You were a close friend of his, correct?" She asked, looking at Xiao who became silent. Xiao stood up and immediately ran to hug Lumine. "I-I miss him.. I kept his last wishes.." No tears fell from his eyes when saying that, but he was showing his inside self.

"I am right here, Xiao.." A voice came from behind Lumine. She smiled and moved out of the way as Xiao's eyes immediately fell onto someone familiar.

"...what am I seeing..?" Tears finally fell from Xiao. He thought his mind was playing games with him.

"I never died.. Xiao.. it's just what the world saw.. I was later revived and I just never came back so nobody had heard from me because I continued my journey to find my sister and now I finally did.." Aether spoke, smiling at Xiao.

Arms immediately wrapped around Aether as Xiao cried harder. "Don't leave me!" Xiao was now acting like a baby to Aether which made him laugh.

"Ok ok, I won't." Aether smiled at Xiao and hugged him back.

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