Red Camellia

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It had been raining nonstop since yesterday. You loved the rain, the way it smelled and how it felt on a warm summer day. But today was one of those chilly rainy days. So, you go to stay inside and drink a warm cup of tea.

You sat by the window and watched as they fogged up a bit. You thought of Seto. Was he still going to the garden today? You guys made plans to get furniture from your place but with how rainy it is, it's probably best to hold off. Maybe he's enjoying the tea you made for him.

Your heart raced a bit at the thought of him coming over. Wait. Do you like him? You only met him like a while ago. You contemplate your feelings for him. Was this a platonic or romantic feeling. You both hardly know each other. Most likely it's just a little crush and you'll get over it at some point. Right?

Eventually the rain lets up a bit. You get excited and dress into something weather appropriate. Then you get your umbrella and head out for the garden. When you get there, you don't see Seto anywhere. So, you choose to look around.

You noticed the pond was overflowing. You walked closer to get a better look. You had rain boots on, so you were so worried about getting your feet wet. You splashed around on the edge for a bit. You saw movement in the water and noticed the fish. You leaned closer to get a better look.

Before you knew it the ground beneath your feet gave way and you fell in. You let out a scream as you fell in. The water was a lot deeper than you thought. A lot colder too. You tried to swim but it was nearly impossible. Your boots filled with water and started to pull you under.

As you slowly get pulled down under you scream, hoping someone hears you. You struggle to swim, and the cold water doesn't make it any easier. Eventually you couldn't keep your head above the water. Slowly you feel yourself run out of breath as you sank down into the water.

Panic and fear set in as you can't hold your breath any longer. You struggle to swim as you inhale water, still desperately trying to live. That's when you felt a hand grab yours and your pulled up to the surface.

Once you're out of the water you immediately began coughing up water. As air filled your lungs what happened finally set in. You began to cry at the thought of your own death. You felt a hand patting your back as you coughed up more water.

"Are you alright?" Seto asked.

Still crying a bit, you didn't know what else to do besides hug him. Softly thanking him over and over again. He did his best to console you by awkwardly rubbing your back. Soon you began to shiver and shake like never before.

"We need to get you dry and warm." He said helping you to your feet.

He picked up a coat from the ground and placed it on you. You were still shivering though. He started to lead you to the cottage, but you started to protest.

"I want to go home. I'd be able to change and get warm faster there." You said.

"Alright. Lead the way." He said.

You led Seto through to the area you entered from and made your way through most of the forest. Eventually your paces slowed down and you began to shiver more. That's when Seto picked you up and carried you. Your place was a bit away, so you let him and told him where to go.

Eventually you both reached your house. You felt a bit embarrassed that he was coming over right now. You weren't really expecting him, and your place was quite messy. As soon as you entered your home you could feel the heat.

"I'm sorry for the mess." You said as you entered.

"It's fine. Your home is quite comfortable and small." He commented.

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