third pov

After Y/N told Natasha about how she was kinda connected to the Red Room, she sits there speechless. Y/N understands the former assassin. It wasn't her intention to make her feel uncomfortable.

Y/N went through something very similar. Her mother and her lived a peaceful life outside the city, more on the country side. Her father died in a car accident when she was only 8 years old. She also has a sister. Y/N just found out about her 3 years after she escaped the nightmare, HYDRA told her that she was dead.

At 16 years, she was taken by HYDRA. The first week she didn't see her mom. She didn't hear about her at all.

But then they brought Y/N and her mother in one room with Gorgon.

Y/N was crying and screaming, begging them to release her mother. But they had other plans. Gorgon killed her mother right infront of her eyes.

Ever since then Y/N wasn't herself. She became more isolated and quiet.

After her mothers death, HYDRA made Y/N their weapon. She killed many people, such as men, women and even children. It wasn't her fault, she was controlled, but she still blames herself for every death she has done.

This is why she understands the red head. The constant guilt their have on their mind every single day.

Y/N pov

It has been quiet, too quiet. The silence is killing me.

I look at Natasha and she looks at me. We make intense eye contact.

"Uhm, I am really sorry for what happened there. And I hope I didn't make you uncomfortable." I say the former assassin.

Natasha just looks at me and has tears in her eyes. This makes me feel sad, because I know they were taught that emotions make them weak and they should never show them.

I hesitantly took her in my embrace. She tensed, but she gave in and hugs me back.

I stroke her back slightly to give her comfort.

"I am sorry for what happened to you." I whisper in her ears carefully not to scare her.

As a response she hugs me tighter. I hear her quiet sobs and sniffs. Natasha has her face buried in my neck. I can feel her tears on it.

After a solid 5 min hug session, she pulls back slowly.

"Uhm... I am sorry for ruining you shirt." She chuckles slightly with a small smile.

This is the first time I have seen her smile. It's a very beautiful smile.

"You have a beautiful smile. You should show it more often." I admit to her and she blushes slightly and laughs.

"And my shirt is okay. Comforting you is more important than my stupid shirt." I add.

She just looks at me with a smile.

"You know, when we get wherever we are going, you should try my tacos recipe. It was my moms." I tell her with a small smile, remembering my mom.

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