Chapter 7:Chaos in Festival Pt 3

Start from the beginning

Mob:"(I thought she a cat.)

Elf girl:"My name is is Roax and I'm Half elf."

Eina:"Oh... same as me.Right Roax-chan.Now be a good boy and come to Big Sis"

Roax:"....."She silent there and staring at Eina eye.

Eina:"Did I said something wrong?"


Loki:"*Sob* Let back on track,Do you what happen after that?"As she recover from that invisible attack earlier.Then some small explosion occur.


Aiz:"I guess not.We need to help them.*FWOOSSHH..!!* Gyaahh!!?"As she rush to the explosion but some electric strike Her body and manage to damage her despite her status as Level 5 or close to Level 6 but just minor one.This happen when her foot just step beyond the red line and some cracking glass can be seen.


Loki/Eina:"Aiz-tan/Aiz-san..!!?"Both scream and run towards Aiz.

Aiz:"*Huh* *Huh*... (What... just happen...)"As she lower her hand and see her own hand.

Loki:"Aiz-chan... what happen.Are you ok.Is your body still in good condition blahblahblah..."As Loki pestering Aiz and her voice volume increasing each words.This however did not bothering Aiz because she still on her own mind.

Aiz:"Did.. you do it.How?"She ask while looking at Mob direction.

Mob:"Oh... aaaa.... I just actually using my---?"As he begun to nervous while divert his vision to another place.

Mob seem blushing and keep increasing each second.Aiz on the other hand confuse still not aware what just happen to her now.Eina and two children also realise this.

Mob:"Mi-mi-miss Aiz,here take this cloth."As he offer his robe to Aiz,leaving him only his middle school uniform that already being repair week ago.Upon realising her upper body is naked,Aiz accept it with little blush on her face.

Aiz:"Hmm.. thank y--"As she got cut off by Tricksters Goddess before she put the robe.

Loki:"Hooo...,quite gentlemen we got here.Hmm.... here I help you put this on my dear child.(Tsk... no why in hell I give you a change to close to my Aiz-tan.Wait for another thousand here to even get close to her.)"As she quickly put the robe to cover the Aiz uper body.


Upon another series of huge explosion,Aiz forget about her question and head straight to the source.She very worried about her friend as Mob said they fighting some kind monster that equivalent to Dungeon Boss.Her Level 5 strength make her sprint faster and leaving the group behind with in second.

Eina:"..... Mob-san.Should you go with her?"She ask.

While she did not know Mob true power,but she have hunch that Mob is actually stronger that his look.She indeed see his raw talent before.Plus she also feel uneasy on her heart.

Loki:"Hmm?Why this boy need to go with my Aiz-tan.He just level 1 right."She said casualy.

In reality,she also curious.Because why Lefiya invite this boy from unknown familia to go da *Ehem* meeting.She suspect that this boy must possess great talent in magic to attract Lefiya intention. Judging from his cloth, he must be a mage.She did notice something about blue aura that appear around Aiz earlier in short amount of time.This young man power still a bit mystery to her and she want to know it more.

Fina:"Big brother?"


The pressure emit from this four give Mob little no room to decide.Since the children is already on right hand,the burden has decreased.Plus he still worried about Lefiya and her strange reaction earlier.He however still did not notice the substance that have being release by the plant monster earlier because of his passive barrier.The children also unaffected because the two was close enough to receive the benefit.Few second has pass but on his mind,hours he spend to think about it.But he has make his decision.

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