Chapter 7:Chaos in Festival Pt 3

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Mob and two other girl just beside him,standing around 3 meter from Red line.Just other side of line there is three people and Mob know them at very least.

Eina:"Mob did you hear me!!"As She try to call Mob with her scream.

Mob:"Eina-san,what are you doing here and what is that wall?"

As he approach Eina but he couldn't help to notice there is some kind of wall similar to his psychic barrier but on larger scale.The barrier is seem thin and very fragile.

Eina:"Wait,You can see this barrier?"

Loki:"(Hmmm..... interesting.This Mortal can see this thing while even my most prized child couldn't.This feeling,Why is similar to earthquake Week's ago.Strange.)Who knows... Hey brat,try to touch this barrier."As she give the suggestion to Mob with naughty smile on her face.

Mob:"Ok.."As he touch with his bare hand without second thought.

Eina:"Stop Mob-san!!?"As she try to stop Mob but it's to late

Mob:"Yes Eina-san?"As he hand already touch the barrier.His face still indifference.

Loki and Aiz watch and expected something bad.But nothing happen.Mob raise his hand up and down to the other side and when he deem safe,He escort the children to cross the red line. Eina,Loki and even Aiz shocked by this.

Aiz:"How you do that?"She ask while some giant question mark appear on her head.She move her head a little to the left and right.

Mob:"What do you mean?I just crossing like everybody does."

Eina:"No one can do that you know!!?.Not even Aiz-san or Loki-sama can do that!!?"He glasses begin to shaking.

Loki:"(Hooo...) Well if he Ok then case close.So... hmmm,What your name again?"As she open her two eye for a second and ask with her usual happy go lucky tone.

Mob:"My name Kageyama Shigeo and Call me Mob"As he give the children to Eina care.

Loki:"Right Mob-chan,Do you know what is actually happening to the other side?"

Mob:"Oh there are some kind of plant flowery monster and large amount of War Shadow suddenly appear and start hurting people.Lefiya-san,Tiona and Tione is holding back the monster and help to evacuate people.Oh they also helping me to save this two children."

Aiz:"So Lefiya is over there?Do you know why she there?"She ask with curiosity.

Mob:"Oh... It seem Lefiya-san is invit-- Ghaaarghhkk--!!?*"As Loki suddenly appear and holding his Robe with malicious intent.Her shadow getting darker on each second as her face getting closer to his.

Loki:"What did you said!!? My Precious girl is invite you to Date. Gyaah!! No wonder she going out early and not eating her breakfast.She rarely done that.No....that impossible!!No way my precious gem will ever do that Uwaaahhh!!!?"As a tear fall from her Eye.Then the cat girl try to Push loki and scream.


Cat Girl:"Stop bullying Big Brother you brute!!?"

Some kind of arrow appear in struck Loki chest with high speed.Once it penetrate it,Loki seem coughing a blood and fall to her knees.

Loki:"Brute?? Ghasrrgkkk.... Hey Little girl.Don't calling this goddess of beauty and smart a brute.Did your parent didn't teach some maner little cat girl"

Cat girl:"Hmm??Are you a girl.But your body look like a boy and I have a name Fina!!?I'm not cat but Chienthrope"

Loki:"My body??"And she just become statue and frozen there while she make shocking face.

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