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Suicide attempt.

Bakugos POV (earlier when kaminari was in the shower)

After denki got in the shower, I got my things and walked down to the common room, seeing everyone do their own shit. I sat my stuff down and went to the kitchen. Opening the fridge to get whatever shit out I need.

I place the stuff on the counter and then realized i was missing something.

I groaned. Placing it all back in the fridge. I grabbes my things and began walking to the exit of the dorms. "Where are you going?" Iida asked. I looked at him ans flipped him off. He gave me a dramatic look as i walked out of the door.

I began walking to the shop as i thought about one person, kaminari. I wounder how hes doing.. no, why the hell do care!? Im soposed to be mean.

I snarled at myself. Finally reaching the shop and walking in. I looked through isles and isles, looking for a damn peace of cheese and milk. Finally, i found it. Another isle gaining my attention, i decided that it wouldnt hurt staying out longer than usual. I  walked to the isle and seen stickers and other cute things. Though if anyone found out I liked this shit then im screwed.

My phone buzzed in my pocket, i took it out and seen that it was a message from sero. I opened the chat and i was shocked of what i saw.

Scotch tape: Kami locked himself in the bathroom and hes been in there for almost an hour, we can't get the door open. Can you come back!?.

You: yeah.

I placed my stuff down immediately, knowing the food will go expired but i didn't give a shit. I almost full on sprinted back to UA. I made it to the dorms out of breath, opening the door to see everyone crowded by the bathroom dore. "Okay one of you explain, now" i demanded. Mina stood up, with a guilty look on her face.

"When he walked down from the dorms, i kinda went off on him..?" She hesitantly said.
"you went of on him? YOU IDIOT WHAT DID HE DO!?" I defended.

She rubbed her arm.

"W-well, he skipped training and i was mad about it.. i kinda yelled at him." She put both hands up in defense. "I-i didn't mean to! I swear!"

I sighed and pushed her aside, turning the knob of the door but it was locked.

I kicked the door multiple times until i heard it crack. "Kaminari I swear to satan if I knocked that door down for no reason i will-" i spoke but opened my eyes to a pool of blood, and a pail body setting in it.

I froze. My hands managed to make their way up to my face.

"Holy shit... SOMEONE CALL A FUCKING AMBULANCE!" I ran over to him, my hands were shaking. I heard that Iida had went to get sensei. So i took off my shirt and covered his wound.

"Goddamnit kaminari what the FUCK!" I screamed. I could care less if i was crying or not. I hugged his paralyzed body.

I soon the sound of sirens could he heard in the distance, and i was being pulled away from him.

"No.. DAMNIT, I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU LET ME GO!" I screamed, kicking my legs as they pulled me farther away.

"LET ME THE FUCK GO!"  I sobbed. My  tugging of the person's arm went lose. They pulled me out into the common room and i layed there, hugging my knees to my chest. I knew that almost everyone here was shocked. But.. they don't matter. Hes the only one who matters.

"Bakugo.." I noticed kirishima setting right infront of me. His hand on my shoulder. His sympathetic look only made me cry harder. He offer me a hug and I took it.

"Hey, it'll okay! He'll be alright, hes strong he'll make it through okay?" He rubbed my back as I cried. I nodded, i sat their in my blood stained shirt, I know I would never forget this. Not ever...

|kirishimas pov|

I watched as bakugo kicked down the door, not realy expecting anything bad to be behind it but little did I know that one of my best friends lay limp on the other side. I watched as he walked in the room and suddenly screamed. I went in full on panic mode, i ran up to the door and looked inside to see kaminari, my best friend, laying in a puddle of his own blood, a razor in hand. I imminently pulled mt hands over my mouth, eyes wide. Iida quickly went and called an ambulance, I even notice that bakugo began to cry.  Not even 5 minutes later the sirens could be heard. And soon the paramedics were barging in the dorm, quickly making their way to the bathroom door.

I watched as they pulled a cursing bakugo out of the room, he layed on the ground cradling himself.

I, with tears in my eyes, walked ans sat infront of bakugo. Placing my hand on his shoulder. He looked up with puffy red eyes.  I offered him a hug and he took it. I comforted him, telling him that everything would be allright. But.. im scared.. that it won't actually be alright. That kaminari won't wake up. I hated myself for thinking like that.

'Thoughen up kirishima, everything will be just fine!' I said to myself. I sat there as bakugo cried into my shoulder once more, patting his back while he hiccuped.

Though little did I know, that denki kaminari was living his worst nightmare...



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