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//which one do you all like better??first person POV, third person or even both? and DAYUM THAT RAIN OUTSIDE RN AINT HOLDING BACK, BTW idk how to start off this chapter so if its bad I'm sorry-//

(Bakugos pov this time)

"How long is he going to be out for?"

"Hes due to wake up in an hour if not earlier, well, not his body."

"What's that soposed to mean!?"i yelled angrily.

"He somehow hasn't been getting enough energy, hes eather been staying up too late, if not all night, or something is eating up his energy while hes sleeping. Nighmares could be one of the problems out of a few more."

"What are the others." I asked more in a demandimg tone. Recovery girl sighed.

"Theres a chance he couldn't be eating enough, not taking breaks from his quirk or training. And his mental health is a huge portion of all of this. Both me and your teacher have agreed that you share a room with him for a while once he fully wakes up, just to make sure he isnt doing any of those things.." she explained.

"And how am i soposed to let him stay with me in a SINGLE person dorm!?" ,

"Could you please not yell. Also, Me and your teacher have already figured that out, we have planned to move a air matress in your room, hes due to fully wake up tommorow sometime around 1pm. Prepare to be pulled out of class around that time." She dismissed me and i began walking towards the dorms, it was a shit day and i wasnt in the mood for anyones shit...

☻[т̲̲̅̅¡̲̲̅̅ണ̲̲̅̅ε̲̲̅̅ ̲̲̅̅ร̲̲̅̅к̲̲̅̅¡̲̲̅̅p̲̅]☻

I was sitting in class, it had just now turned 12 so lunch was about to start. the so called squad that was named after me were up being idiots as usual.

Just then the bell rang and they all flooded out. I smirked to myself while following my classmates.


(No ones pov) ⚠️mention of ED and SH, needles and blood (not a lot, just a small mention)⚠️

Kaminari was laying in the hospital bed, the only sound that could be heard was the beeping of the machines and the ruffling of pages.

It was only 12:30 at the moment so kaminaris time to wake up would be later, or, now.

(Kaminaris pov)

As i felt my sences coming back, i opened my eyes only to be greeted with a bright light.

Once i was adjusted to the light i looked around, noticing the bunches of wires. A needle was also sticking out of my arm injecting some type of liquid into me.

Instead of waiting on anyone to come in i tried pulling the IV out, rather aggressively. Which only made it bleed. just as i was about to stand up, the door slammed open and i was staring right at recovery girl and bakugo, who both rushed over and began wiping the unoticed blood that had dripped onto the bed.

"Are you fucking crazy!?" Bakugo screamed.

I cowered back like a puppy when it got in trouble. His expression visibility softened. He muttered something inaudible, but i decided to bug him about it later.

"So, i need to discuss something with you and about new routine. Bakugo can stay apon your wishes but if noy he will accept it with no complaints." Recovery girl gave bakugo a glance that was specifically routed towards him.

he scoffed and crossed his arms.

"I dont mind him staying." I said without a thought about it. Though it being my first month knowing him, i trusted him more than the others, and i mean that with no offense.

Bakugo and recovery girl seemed to agree with my answer and contenued on with what she was doing.

"I'll be asking you some questions and then explaining your new routine, keep in mind that i and your homeroom teacher beleive that this is the best for you." She rummaged through some papers in a folder she held and pulled put out a gray-pink paper.

"While you were asleep, i managed figure out what a few of your symptoms mean and they all have something to do with your physical, and meantal health." I followed her eyes as she read down the paper, to, im guessing, the 'symptoms' of what i was having. I glanced over at bakugo who was unconsciously fiddling with his hands and glancing around the room as if looking for something.

"Ah, here we go. Have you been getting enough sleep lately?"

I felt the pang in my stomache that almost everyone gets when someone asks you a serious question.

"Yeah, sometimes i stay up to late doing homework and studying for tests- other than that i get more than enough sleep." I responded, rather nervously. Hoping that they couldn't sense my lies. She nodded and went to the next question that was on her paper.

"I will remind you, please answer these questions with all honestly. Remember, anything that is discussed in this room will not leave its spot."

I nodded, feeling a small amount of stress being taken off my shoulders.

"Have you been eating properly. Or have you ever had a problem with an eating dissorder, whether it be eating to much or to less?" Unlike the other question, this one was much more pressuring. I nood a breath and then answered with yet another lie.

"Ive never had an encounter with an e-eating dissorder, i may eat to much sometimes but i just end up with a stomache ache after."
'Why did i have to stutter, especially when it was the exact thing i was trying to avoid.'

"When you get stomache aches, you dont consider throwing up yhe food you just ate to make your stomache ache go away?" She asked. These questions were more harsh than i had expected, i didnt expect it to be this personal. "No." I bluntly answered, getting a strange look from bakugo as if i havent been already.

"Do you have nightmares, if so, how frequently?"

'Ding ding, and theres our trick question, does that ring a bell?'

'Leave me alone.'

"I-i dont have nightmares, sometimes i just wake up in the middle of the night and then scream because i thought my chair was a figure, silly me." I laughed, trying to convince them. Though its hard to convince someone when your lying straight through your teeth.

"I suppose im done with the questions, now ill speak to you about your new routine." She coughed a little into her hand. "You'll be staying with bakugo for a few months just to make sure any of those symptoms dont come back, we've already set up your bed in his room, and surprisingly your room was cleaner than we expected bakugo." She glanced at him and he returned her complement with a glare.

"Your free to go, and dont forget to grab your clothes on the way out." I nodded and stood, my legs were a little wobbly because i hadn't been on this in a while, but i dealt with it. Bakugo and i stood, walking out of the infirmary and into the empty hallway. I guessed that everyone was in class or in lunch, i realy didnt care though.

The whole walk there was filled with silence, it was an unpleasant silence of course. Because i had bakugo staring holes in the back of my head the whole way. I followed him into the room and stood still, waiting for him to say something.

"You don't think im that stupid, do you?"


Clif hangerrrrrrr~ YO, SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG TO COME OUT i was busy with school and i missed today- i guess it was a good thing because my friend said he had a gut feeling i was gonna die so 🥱😫. The school gonna think im sus cuz i was out for 3 full mondays 😒 well, screw them, SEE YOU IN THE NEXT CHAPTER.

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