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Kaminari scolded himself, he was soposed to be at his house 3 minutes ago. "Yeah you guys can go ahead and plan my funeral thought no fucking body will attend!" He muttered to himself.

He had been rambling to him self until he looked up to find his front steps roght infront of him.

He hesitantly walked upthe staires and reached for the doorknob, but it bursted open to reveal a drunken woman.

"Your fuckin late, get your FUCKING ass in this DAMN house." she screamed, grabbing the boy by the hair.

Once she dragged kaminari in, all that was heard was a slam of a door.


Kaminari sat on the floor, curled up in a ball while his mother through glass plates at his head. His hands were cut to peaces from trying to cover his face, but eather way the glass shards found a way to damage his cheek.

"get up." His mother said woth a stern cold voice. He obeyed but only to br hit in the head by a vace.



Kaminari winced at the words that escaped the womans mouth.

"Clean the shit up and go to your fucking room.." she snarled, walking into the livng room.

He shakily walked over to the pantry and got the broom, sweeping up each peace of glass. But a fairly big peace cought his attention. He bent down and picked it up, slipping it into his pocket.


Denki sat at his desk with his head in his arms. He'd fallen asleep at 3am though for him it wasn't a good thing.

He was awaken from his phone buzzing on his desk, looking up with tear stained cheeks and puffy eyes. He grabbed his phone and seem that it was a call. Without looking at the dail again, he amswered.

"H-hello?" He said into the phone.

"Sir, we've been trying to reach you ahout your cars extended warranty."

"Wha- MINA!" Denki screamed, hearing laughing after.

"BRUH the group has been trying to call you for HOURS!" She complained.

"Oh, sorry about that, but was there anything you need?" He asked.

"Yeah, the group was thinking about meeting up at the coffee shop, you down?"

"I- uh."

"As much as id love to, i cant, i promised ny mom I'd do things around the house because shes sick and all.." lie.

All he heard after that was laughter.

"Realy! The denki doing work?" She laughed more.

"Heh" he awkwardly laughed.

"As working around the house do you mean playing video games? but if you decide to make time to hang out with the group, we arent going out till 4."


"ANYWAYS, BYE." And with that she hung u


"Yeah, just playing video games.." he sighed, standing up from the fairly uncomfortable chair and walking over to his bookshelf, pushing randome books out of his way and pulling out a specific black covered book.

He sludged back to his desk, dropping the sketch book on the surface and grabbing a pencil.

Kaminari stared at the dull covered book, openinf it to a clean peace of paper.

He loved to draw, you may be thinking of what every average person draws these days but no, he drew what he felt everyday. I mean if you looked through his sketch book you wouldn't find any happy art.

He placed the tip of the pencil onto the paper and began to sketch. He didnt know what he was sketchinf but just went with what his mind chose.

By the time he snapped out of his trance he had already finished. What he drew was unexplainable and would be hell to even try to explain. To other people it just looked luke scribbles and lines but what it truly was wouldn't be seen by a normal person. He was just about close his notebook but then heard hard stomping that trailed up the steps to his door. He quickly slid his sketch book in his drawer, just as his door was kicked open.

"LITTLEBITCH~ GET OVER HERE." His mother screamed, stomping over and grabbing a bunch of his hair.

"A- mom that hurts!" Kaminari tried pushed her hand away but he was unsuccessful.

"THIS HAS BEEN GOING ON FOR YEARS AND YOU THINK I GIVE A DAMN IF IM HURTING YOU!?" she yelled, slamming him into the wall, face first.

"Be in my room in 5." Then she slammed his door shut, the hinges creaking while doing so.

He felt a warm substance flow down his cheek, he raised his hand and touched his head but quickly returned it when he felt his head throb.

"Shit.." he muttered, grabbing the towel from his doorknob and dabbing it on his head only to see light red smudge.

Once he finished he walked to his door and into the hallway, dreading every moment, knowing what was going to happen.


He kept his eyes on the floor as he walked to the door, opening it and looking up only to see nobody in the room. That changed when he felt hands sneak around his waist..


Kaminari stumbled into his room, barely hanging onto consciousness.

Once he acknowledged what had happen he covered his mouth, keeping in the pained noises that tried to escape his throat.

'Why the fuck do i even try.' He thought to himself, genuinly not understanding why.

"I guess it runs in the family." He laughed, laughing the feeling off. He couldn't find a better coping mechanism so he tended to change the subject alot even if its important.

He was distracted by his thoughts he hadn't even noticed his ring tone echoing through his empty room...

//YALL. IM SO SORRY I DIDN'T UPDATE, me and my mom had to move and i have NO DATA at the moment so im using my mothers wifi//

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