Chapter 5: The Icy Veil

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The bitter cold of the atmosphere nipped at Nora's arms. Far beyond many dimensions and into The Icy Veil. Countless mountains and cliffs, with a frigid atmosphere. Nora opened her eyes to feel the piercing cold. She couldn't help but turn on her side and clutch her arms. Her cheeks felt cold and raw, like if she was there for a while. A slight chattering and rattling could be heard among her teeth, as her limbs shook at the cold.

There was no way she could just sit there, waiting to die. Leisurely, she took her time to sit up and look around where she was. She was blinded by the sky as if she had not seen the sun for years.

After a few seconds of her light sensitivity, everything was starting to come back slowly. Her surroundings were open and clear. A sudden clicking sound was heard in the air as if many old bones were crackling together. The floor was made solely of stone, carved and chipped over many generations. The room had a circular shape to it and there was no ceiling. This was no ordinary room, it had to of been a throne room. In front of her was a set of stairs that led to a jagged throne, complete with spikes protruding from the top of the backrest. The throne was flanked by two large crow statues that faced one another. Their wings were folded, obscuring their bodies.

Above the throne were many large crescent-shaped stones that surrounded a circular centrepiece. Nora's head jerked around to see a large, open stone door frame. Several seconds later, two figures emerged from the doorframe; they were indeed Death and Shane.

He rushed over to Nora and embraced her. "Thank god you're alright!" he said. Laughter escaped Nora's lips. "For a moment, I thought Heaven was an awful place."

"Oh, it is." Death shot back with a snarky remark and continued to walk forward to the throne. An unfamiliar voice sounded as Nora's hairs stood up on the back of her neck.

"Voices. . . always voices. . . torment without end." With an echoed hush, the voice scattered itself across the room. As Nora and Shane gazed at the throne, they noticed the older man now seated on it. The older man clenched his head with crooked and twisted fingers. Considering the man's looks, he must have been a little bit over a hundred years old. Chains and shackles cascaded down both of his hands as if he was a prisoner to his world. The chains were loose and extended to a shackle that was around his neck. A green amulet hung from his neck. As Shane stood beside Nora, they both gave each other a look when they started to hear whispers coming from it.

"Keeper of secrets, I need your help." With steady strides, Death walked up the steps, leading to the older man's throne. Startled by a familiar voice, the Keeper of Secrets glared at Death.

He pointed at Death with long, crooked fingers. "I helped you once before, Horseman," he said.

"Look at me now. How I curse that day. . . How I curse you." The Keeper rose from his throne and clenched the ends of the armrests with his long nails.

"Careful, Crowfather." Death extended his hand up. "I'm not here to put you out of your misery. Not yet." Death placed a hand on his hip, and intended the 'not yet'.

"I know why you've come. Your brother, the one called War." Crowfather slowly stepped forward, closer to the Horseman.

"He's been imprisoned by the Charred Council and awaits their judgment. For dooming the Earth. For man kinds extinction." Crowfather started to raise his voice.

"Why should I care for your brother's fate?" The Keeper turned his back and looked away from Death.

"Because. . ." Death took in a breath. "You know the truth. Your secrets can save him."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2022 ⏰

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