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The kids walked in form their missions. Y/n walked in with Bree in front of the boys. "Mission Accomplished" Bree said to Donald and Alexander

"Great job guys. You saved that island from the biggest tropical storm in decades" Donald told them.

"And lucky for you," Adam said walking to the desk. "I brought home a whole bag of hairy fruit" He empty out his bag showing coconuts.

"Yea just be happy I made him out the pelican back" Bree said

"Guys that mission was the finiest use of bionics and of course your powers y/n to date. I think we can all agree that strength plus speed plus power equals" Donald said

"uh... excuse me." Chase said "Let's not forget the mastermind d behind this entire thing."

"Right let's give it up for our fearless leader..." Adam said before looking at the dads "Mr.Davenport and Mr.L/n! Whoo!"

"What! No! I was talking about me. I supervised the whole mission"

"Yea but i think we know who did the heavy lifting. I'll give you a hint: It started with an 'A' ends with an 'M' there's a big 'DA' in the middle. Ok guys it's me"

"Please the real work happens up here" Chase pointed to his brain.

"Chase, no offense but your bionic brain is not match for our hustle-"

"-and muscle" Adam finished for Bree. Y/n rolled her eyes.

"Ooh that is a great team name: Hustle, Muscle, ch...uscle... mmm don't worry we'll find you guys an 'uscle'" Donald said referring to y/n and chase. Chase sighed and walked in front of Donald.

"I am so sick of them 3 getting all the attention because they have super-speed, Super-strength or is super powerful. I never get any of the credit."

"That is not true Chase" Alexander told him. Y/n walked never to Chase and held his hand. Chase looked down at her (y/n is shorter then chase) and smiled.

"They just have a got of flash" Donald said. Alexander and Y/n looked at him with a 'really' look but he continued "but you're the glue that holds that flash together. You're... flash glue"

"I'm flash glue?" Chase asked in disbelief.

"Hey I figured it out." Adam said before breaking the coconut with his forehead. "You're right Chase. The real work does happen up there." they all walked out and left y/n and Chase. Y/n looked at chase and brought their connected hands giving it a little kiss.

"Don't listen to them Chase. Your amazing as you are and help a lot on missions. I know it, you know it, my dad knows it but what's important is that you do something that helps." Chase smiled at her and gave her a sweet loving kiss.

"I love you n/n" Chase said pulling away.

"And I love you Chase" Y/n said



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The bionic and The science Experiment (Chase x Reader) Season 2Where stories live. Discover now